Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Romantic Era Of American Literature Promoted...
The romantic era of American literature promoted inspiration that allowed the United States to discover its own individuality and culture. Writers like Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, and Ralph Waldo Emerson began to retreat from European influence and looked inward for inspiration. Emersion, in particular, preached the idea of isolating oneself from society and depending solely on the inner soul. These themes can be found in most of Emerson’s writings, but is most significant in his essay, Self-Reliance. This essay follows the narrator as he delves into the distant levels of self-reliance. In fact, the steps of the narrator’s journey toward self-reliance simultaneously reveal the path to inner divinity. The beginning of Self Reliance outlines the importance of depending upon oneself, while providing traces of guidance toward the inner soul. In this passage of the essay, the narrator builds his argument and gathers his points of support to introduce the novel topic o f self-reliance and allude to inner divinity. He only urges people to take the first step to looking internally for guidance and he emphasizes the withdrawal from external opinions and principles. Individuals must build confidence and pride in them and abandon the crutches society provides them to truly start depending on one. â€Å"Trust Thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.†(Nation of Letters: A Concise Anthology of American Literature, 110) With this quote, the narrator adequately sums up theShow MoreRelatedThe Romantic Era Of American Literature Promoted By David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, And Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay1158 Words  | 5 PagesThe Romantic Era of American literature promoted the inspiration that allowed the United States to discover its own individuality and culture. Writers like Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, and Ralph Waldo Emerson began to retreat from European influence and looked inward for creative vision. Emerson, in particular, prea ched the idea of isolating oneself from society and depending solely on the inner soul. These themes can be found in most of Emerson’s writings, but are most significant in his essayRead MoreThe Romantic Period Of Edgar Allan Poe976 Words  | 4 PagesEdgar Allan Poe is an important poet from the Romantic period. His work reflects his life in so many ways. It shows his fears, his ideas and how his life was. His work gives you an idea how the life and the circumstances of the time where during the 19th century. Poe used his own imagination, his life and the people around him as an inspiration for his work. The era between 1750 and 1870 is called Romanticism. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
The Moving Train History Of Segregation - 1866 Words
Alyssa Kim Mrs. Gillespie English II 27 April 2015 The Moving Train: History of Segregation â€Å"You cannot be neutral on a moving train.†History is like a moving train. Passengers in a train know that they are going in a wrong direction, but they are afraid of jumping off a train. They decide to go wherever the train goes. The majority of white Americans were those passengers throughout the history. In A Raisin in the Sun, there is one white American who appears. Karl Lindner is a representative of a white neighborhood called Clybourne Park in Chicago. He suggests to the Younger family not to move into his white neighborhood. The neighbors think living separately is better than living together even though they need to buy the Younger family’s house. Karl Lindner’s role in the play is to show the serious housing segregation in Chicago during the 1950s and even in the United States as a whole. Housing segregation was included in Jim Crow Laws that limited black Americans before the Civil Rights Movement. Karl Li ndner is a symbol of the majority of white Americans around the 1950s who followed the social atmosphere promoted by segregation laws. Karl Lindner is a representative of the Clybourne Park Improvement Association. He represents his neighbors’ opinion that white people should live with white people and black people should live with black people. Lindner states, â€Å"But you’ve got to admit that a man, right or wrong, has the right to want to have the neighborhood he lives inShow MoreRelatedEssay On Plessy V. Ferguson Case Of 18961190 Words  | 5 Pagesstruggle for equality has existed throughout history. The color of a person’s skin seems to depict everything about them. Not only was this an issue in earlier times, but the present as well. The battle to overcome inequity was made significantly more troublesome in the Plessy v. Ferguson case of 1896. One of the most historic cases in Supreme Court history is the Plessy v. Ferguson case of 1896. Plessy v. Ferguson was a trial that ruled segregation as legal, as long as separate, equal facilitiesRead MoreThe Civil War And The End Of Reconstruction1197 Words  | 5 PagesReconstruction, the protection for the rights of African American ended if there was any. Southern States had moved to impose a system of segregation on nearly all areas of life. New laws that required segregation that stirred â€Å"separate but equal†doctrine that disenfranchise African Americans for almost six decades. It is hard in this days and age to be able to imagine segregation as a law, but the remnants just change form and name. A petition file on June 7, 1892, in the supreme court Louisiana by a localRead MoreSegregation in the 1930s 802 Words  | 3 Pagesyou were and how you fit into society. The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, illustrates specific examples of segregation. Segregation was a major issue in history ranging by class, gender and race because people discriminated against anyone that was different. Discrimination resulted in threats, violence, and bias opinions that negatively impacted daily living. Without a doubt, segregation between classes impacted the way society worked. Back then people believed that social classes should beRead MoreRacial Tension During The Great Migration Essay1699 Words  | 7 Pagescash crops like cotton, resulting in poor crop yields and an uncertain economy(Clark); threats from the supposedly subdued Ku Klux Klan, the need for better jobs, and segregation due to the Jim Crow Laws were some reasons why African Americans decided to flee the South. By 1919, one million African Americans had left the South by train, boat, bus, cars, and even horse drawn carts (Great Migration). This massive migration with little space in the North led the African Americans to make their own cityRead MoreEssay about The Harlem Renaissance1582 Words  | 7 Pagesblack culture to be heard and accepted by white citizens. The movement was expressed through art, music, and literature. These things were also the most known, and remembered things of the renaissance. Also this movement, because of some very strong, moving and inspiring people changed political views for African-Americans. Compared to before, The Harlem Renaissance had major effects on America during and after its time. After the end of the civil war African Americans had more opportunity and freedomRead MoreThe Glory Field By Walter Dean Myers1265 Words  | 6 PagesSadie Hosler 2 hour 11/09/15 Slavery to Segregation; Civil War to Civil Rights The Glory Field is a novel by Walter Dean Myers that follows the Lewis family through racism and segregation. It starts with Muhammad Bilal being captured from Africa in 1753. It follows through to see young Lizzy escape from slavery on the live Oaks plantation in South Carolina in 1864. After the Civil War, the family is given is plot of land they refer to as the â€Å"Glory Field†, which represents hope for the family duringRead MoreGandhi : Gandhi And Influential Religious Political Leaders Of The Twentieth Century1464 Words  | 6 Pagesuse of the Swadeshi Gods, and had a huge vocal impact on the social development of villages. Mohandas Gandhi s personal beliefs and peaceful demonstrations were the only true way to achieve social and global equity of India by his impacts on world history. Gandhi’s past has been very remarkable but began on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, present day Gujarat (Mohandas). Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi grew up the youngest among four children, two older brothers Laxmidas, Karsandas, and his older sister RaliatbehnRead MoreEssay on Feelings That Kill1739 Words  | 7 Pagestime in America. Nella Harper Lee wrote this novel to give her readers a harsh sense of the segregation that went on in the south during this time period. Between the years of 1925 and 1935 there were many problems facing the south. The depression brought job and poverty issues to many blacks, which increased the segregation. To Kill A Mockingbird has many parallels between the fictional segregation in the novel and the factual racism that actually took place in this time span. Between theRead MoreEssay on Racism In America1586 Words  | 7 Pagesprofound cases of racism in the â€Å"United†States of America have been felt by Native Americans, Asians, African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Muslims. Major racially structured institutions include; slavery, settlement, Indian reservations, segregation, residential schools, and internment camps (Racism in the U.S., 1). Racism has been felt and seen by many in housing, the educational system, places of employment, and the government. Discrimination was largely criminalized in the mid 20th centuryRead MoreThe Train From Hate By John Hope Franklin2027 Words  | 9 Pages â€Å"The Train from Hate†The Train from Hate is an idea image of how racism was strong and endured by many African Americans during the early years. John Hope Franklin was one of the out spoken and influential writer and author of our time. Franklin sunrise to life was in the year or 1915 and transition to death was in the year of 2009. He died at the age of 94. His literary works spoke for itself. He dedicated his life works to the war against racism in the US. He became one of the best authors
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Vulnerability at Best free essay sample
That familiar acidic taste and suffocating flame fought their way up the back of my throat; with each breath that I took, it got painfully harder to swallow. Through the rolling tears, which I tried to hold in, I rushed off the field with my head downwards and the intensions of being unnoticed, but the pressure within me lunged forward, and I nearly fell. Naively, I had thought I could go on the rest of my life invisible and overlooked, but that night, when I made my debut under the name Freedom Colorguard, I felt exposed. Gathered with my team to reflect on our performance, I peered around to my other six teammates, absorbed the visages of disappointment among their sweating faces, but averted my face once they caught me staring. Using the back of my worn glove and hiding my actions behind the flag that was still waving slightly in the September air, I fanatically wiped away the evidence of shame. We will write a custom essay sample on Vulnerability at Best or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My spectator friends tugged at my arm, and overwhelmingly they spoke all at once. I received the generic â€Å"Good job!†and â€Å"I could hardly recognize you!†but the whole time I looked away, trying to disentangle myself from them; I had thought failures were easy to cover up, but this one lingered in the air and mocked me. I couldn’t bear another meaningless compliment and made my way through the dense masses of spectators. I pushed through many faces and noticed how dart-like their eyes were. Desperately, I sought after the outdoor bathroom for privacy. That night, no one comforted me; even my instructor didn’t tell me that it was okay, because my performance couldn’t be erased. Admittedly, I had never done anything as physically and mentally demanding as guard. Originally, I was fooled into thinking that guard connotes girls waving flags at football games; little did I know that it’s a sport of the arts, and that it’s as fierce and exhilarating as other sports. So I received a rude awakening during band camp, for each mistake I made was castigated with countless laps around the parking lot. Each count I was off, I had to do push-ups. Each time I apologized, I was told to stop apologizing and to get it right. Each time I was on the verge of tears, I was told that they didn’t matter. I wasn’t used to being told that my flaws weren’t okay; I never once had been judged for the precision of my work. The blunt truth of reality was unbearable, and all I wanted during those sweat and tear-stained laps was to stop and go home. I knew I was crazy, but I found myself at auditions the next season. Then it struck me; I came back because there’s something beautiful behind all the blood, sweat, and tears. It’s me. Three seasons later, I huddled with my team as we got ready to walk in and perform our final show for the AIA Championships at Chesapeake. The crowd’s enthusiasm for the preceding guard was apparent by the resonance of their cheer through the cinder-block walls. Their show was at its climax and nearly over. Among each other, we whispered a few words of strength to chill our pre- finals anxiety. I didn’t understand why that flaming lump in the back of my throat formed, but I burst into tears once my instructor concluded, â€Å"This is it.†My teammates noticed my involuntary cascade of emotions before I did myself; I was about to face the largest crowd I’ve ever seen, yet I merely stood weeping. However, those waterworks were of a different kind, because this time I didn’t run away; I wanted the judges’ eyes to watch, and to never forget me.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Commercial Law Text - Cases - and Materials
Question: Discuss about the Commercial Law for Text, Cases, and Materials. Answer: Introduction: The main issue in this case is whether a contract between was formed between Vanessa and Nikhils Car Sales Pty Ltd (Car Sales). A contract is a promise made by one party to carry out certain things in exchange of a consideration. It can be either a written contract or verbal contract. There are six elements of a valid contract, and these include offer, acceptance, consideration, intent, consent and capacity. In a contract, an offer is made and an acceptance has to be gained. A mere counter offer is not taken as an acceptance, as was established in the case of Hyde v. Wrench (1840) 3 Beav 334. A contract also needs to have a consideration, which has some economic value. This consideration can be anything which is decided by the parties as long as it has certain economic value. This was held in the case of Chappell Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd [1960] AC 87. The parties to the contract should have the intent to enter into a contract. In other words, the parties should have the intention to create a legal relation, as was held in the case of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company [1893] 1 QB 256. In absence of an intention, the contract cannot be legally binding. The consent to enter into the contract must be free from cohesion, duress and undue influence. Lastly, the contracting parties should have the legal capacity to enter a contract. This means the contracting parties have to be of sound minds and legal age. In the present case, the offer was made by Car Sales. A counter offer was made by Vanessa, which was accepted by Car Sales. A consideration of $9500 was fixed for an exchange of the car. This consideration was paid by Vanessa and the car was attained by her. Both Vanessa and Car Sales had the intent and capacity to enter into a contract. From the above analysis, it can be clearly established that a contract was made between Vanessa and Car Sales. The issue is this case is the availability and applicability of remedies to Vanessa on the basis of her rights under the common law. When a party lies about a certain fact, so as to induce the other party to enter into a contract, it is the case of misrepresentation. Such an aggrieved party, who relied on the false statement and suffered a loss as a result of it, can claim for damages as per the common law. This was held in the case of Bisset v Wilkinson [1927] AC 177 where the defendant lied about the material fact of the case and the plaintiff was awarded damages. Further, such misrepresentation must have induced the party to enter into the contract as was held in the case of Museprime Properties v Adhill Properties [1990] 36 EG 114. The false statement has to be regarding the fact of the contract. A mere opinion of a person cannot be held as a false statement. In the same way, claims made in the advertisements cannot be held as representation of facts. But where the advertisement contains factual statements, the case of misrepresentation can be established if the said factual statement is a false one. Further, misrepresentation means an innocent mistake where the maker of such statement believes that he is making a true statement. There is no intention to deceive a buyer. A fraudulent statement is made if the maker of such statement is aware that the statement is false. In such a case, the contract can be rescinded by the aggrieved party. Also, the aggrieved party can sue for monetary damages as a compensation for the loss incurred. In common law, there is a rule of Parol Evidence Rule (PER). This rule was established in the case of Goss v Lord Nugent (1833). When a written contract is formed on the basis of a discussion, it is assumed that all the terms of the agreement have been entered into the written contract. This is the rule of PER. PER prevents a party from using the previous agreement as an evidence to challenge the written contract. Another case in this regard is De Lassalle v Guildford [1901]. In this case, the previous communication between Vanessa and Car Sales contained a clause of warranty. But when the contract was drawn in written form, the warranty was not mentioned in it. Also, Vanessa had read the contract and signed it. So, she cannot claim warranty on the basis of parol evidence rule. Further, the salesman of Car Sales had opined that the car was one of the best. This was an opinion and not a statement of fact. So, the salesman cannot be held liable for misstatement as per the common law. The statement made by Nikhil was fraudulent. Even though there was only one previous owner, but such owner was a company and the car was a fleet car. Fleet vehicles are often used by many people and are also given on rent. Nikhil knew about this material fact of the contract and did not disclose it. So, a fraudulent misstatement of fact is present in this case. Hence, Vanessa can claim remedies on the basis of fraudulent misstatement. As per the common law, Vanessa is eligible to get the contract revoked and get damages in form of monetary compensation. The issue is this case is the availability and applicability of remedies to Vanessa on the basis of her rights under the Australian Consumer Law (Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), Schedule 2). As per Section 18 of this Schedule, a person is prohibited from conducting trade in way which is misleading or deceptive or which would likely be misleading or deceptive. These provisions are applicable to the publication of an advertisement as per section 19(2). Section 20 of this Schedule prohibits a person from indulging in unconscionable conduct within the meaning of the unwritten law. Section 21 of this Schedule contains that a person should not be engaged in unconscionable conduct relating to the supply of goods and services. Section 29 of this Schedule contains the provisions regarding false or misleading representations regarding the goods or services. This section prohibits a person from making false or misleading representation related to promotion of goods and services. A person is not allowed to make a misleading representation regarding the quality, standard or style of the goods or services. In case a false or misleading representation is made, Section 151 states the penalties in such cases to the amount of $1,100,000 for a body corporate and $220,000 for an individual. Further, as per section 224, when the Court is satisfied that a person has contravened with sections of unconscionable conduct and unfair practices, the Court, at its discretion can order the person to pay pecuniary penalty to the Commonwealth, State or Territory, as the case may be. These penalties are same as stated in Section 151. Section 227 holds that this penalty may be paid to the aggrieved party if the Court finds it appropriate. Further, the aggrieved party is also liable to compensatory damages as well as is eligible to gain an injunction against the breaching party to stop the misleading conduct and the unfair practices. In the case of Google Inc v ACCC High Court of Australia [2013] HCA 1, Google was considered to be engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct as per section 52 of the Trade Practices Act which is now section 18 of the Australian Consumer Law. In the present case, Vikram was engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct by failing to disclose the material fact regarding the previous ownership of the car. This misled Vanessa into buying the car. Further, Vikram had also lied about the low kilometers part in the advertisement along with the promise of a 12 month warranty to induce the buyers to purchase the car. Vikram was also engaged in unfair trade practice. The car for sale shows the odometer at 75,000 but at the time of sale, the car had covered 175,000 kilometers. Under the Australian Consumer Law, a misrepresentation of fact is considered as deceptive. And here, the statement of the salesman would also be considered as deceiving. Further, the product that Vikran was selling was in bad condition and this again, is covered in unfair trade practices. Hence, as per the Australian Consumer Law, Vanessa has the right to sue Car Sales for contravention of various provisions of this act. And as a result, she is liable to monetary compensation as well as equitable remedies in form of injunction against Car Sales. References Australian Contract Law. (2010) Chappell Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd [1960] AC 87. [Online] Australian Contract Law. Available from: [Accessed on: 16/09/16] Australian Contract Law. (2010) Google Inc v ACCC High Court of Australia [2013] HCA 1. [Online] Australian Contract Law. Available from [Accessed on: 16/09/16] Australian Government. (2016) Federal Register of Legislation: Competition and Consumer Act 2010. [Online] Australian Government. Available from: [Accessed on: 16/09/16] Carter, J.W., Peden, E., and Tolhurts, G. (2007) Contract Law in Australia. NSW: LexiNexis Butterworths. Corones, S.G. (2011) The Australian Consumer Law. NSW: Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia. Dosen, A., et al. (2013) Investigating Legal Studies for Queensland. Melbourne: Cambridge university Press, p 40. Gibson, A., and Fraser, D. (2014). Business Law 2014. NSW: Pearson Australia. LawTeacher. (2016). Contract Law Misrepresentation Cases. [Online] LawTeacher. Available from: [Accessed on: 16/09/16] LawTeacher. (2016). Explaining The Parol Evidence Rule And Its Exceptions To The Rule. [Online] LawTeacher. Available from: [Accessed on: 16/09/16] Macdonald, E., and Atkins, R. (2014) Koffman Macdonald's Law of Contract. 8th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p 290. McKendrick, E. (2014). Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. 6th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 80-81. Morandin, N., and Smith, J. (2011). Australian Competition and Consumer Legislation 2011. Sydney: CCH Australia Limited. Swarb. (2015) De Lasalle V Guildford; CA 1901. [Online] Swarb. Available from: [Accessed on: 16/09/16]
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Math Report Fractal Geometry Fractal Geometry Is Not Just A Chapter O
Math Report Fractal Geometry ?Fractal Geometry is not just a chapter of mathematics, but one that helps everyman to see the same old world differently". - Benoit Mandelbrot The world of mathematics usually tends to be thought of as abstract. Complex and imaginary numbers, real numbers, logarithms, functions, some tangible and others imperceivable. But these abstract numbers, simply symbols that conjure an image, a quantity, in our mind, and complex equations, take on a new meaning with fractals - a concrete one. Fractals go from being very simple equations on a piece of paper to colorful, extraordinary images, and most of all, offer an explanation to things. The importance of fractal geometry is that it provides an answer, a comprehension, to nature, the world, and the universe. Fractals occur in swirls of scum on the surface of moving water, the jagged edges of mountains, ferns, tree trunks, and canyons. They can be used to model the growth of cities, detail medical procedures and parts of the human body, create amazing computer graphics, and compress digital images. Fractals are about us, and our existence, and they are present in every mathematical law that governs the universe. Thus, fractal geometry can be applied to a diverse palette of subjects in life, and science - the physical, the abstract, and the natural. We were all astounded by the sudden revelation that the output of a very simple, two-line generating formula does not have to be a dry and cold abstraction. When the output was what is now called a fractal, no one called it artificial... Fractals suddenly broadened the realm in which understanding can be based on a plain physical basis. A fractal is a geometric shape that is complex and detailed at every level of magnification, as well as self- similar. Self-similarity is something looking the same over all ranges of scale, meaning a small portion of a fractal can be viewed as a microcosm of the larger fractal. One of the simplest exampl es of a fractal is the snowflake. It is constructed by taking an equilateral triangle, and after many iterations of adding smaller triangles to increasingly smaller sizes, resulting in a "snowflake" pattern, sometimes called the von Koch snowflake. The theoretical result of multiple iterations is the creation of a finite area with an infinite perimeter, meaning the dimension is incomprehensible. Fractals, before that word was coined, were simply considered above mathematical understanding, until experiments were done in the 1970's by Benoit Mandelbrot, the "father of fractal geometry". Mandelbrot developed a method that treated fractals as a part of standard Euclidean geometry, with the dimension of a fractal being an exponent. Fractals pack an infinity into "a grain of sand". This infinity appears when one tries to measure them. The resolution lies in regarding them as falling between dimensions. The dimension of a fractal in general is not a whole number, not an integer. So a frac tal curve, a one-dimensional object in a plane which has two-dimensions, has a fractal dimension that lies between 1 and 2. Likewise, a fractal surface has a dimension between 2 and 3. The value depends on how the fractal is constructed. The closer the dimension of a fractal is to its possible upper limit which is the dimension of the space in which it is embedded, the rougher, the more filling of that space it is. Fractal Dimensions are an attempt to measure, or define the pattern, in fractals. A zero-dimensional universe is one point. A one-dimensional universe is a single line, extending infinitely. A two-dimensional universe is a plane, a flat surface extending in all directions, and a three-dimensional universe, such as ours, extends in all directions. All of these dimensions are defined by a whole number. What, then, would a 2.5 or 3.2 dimensional universe look like? This is answered by fractal geometry, the word fractal coming from the concept of fractional dimensions. A fractal lying in a plane has a dimension between 1 and 2. The closer the number is to 2, say 1.9, the more space it would fill. Three-dimensional fractal mountains can be generated using a random number sequence, and those with a dimension of 2.9 (very close to the
Sunday, November 24, 2019
11 Challenging Words Starting With A for Spanish Students
11 Challenging Words Starting With A for Spanish Students Here are 11 words beginning with A that can pose some difficulty for Spanish students. Learn these, and youll be well on your way to improving your use of the language. a: As a common preposition, a has at least six uses. It usually means to but can also be translated by other prepositions or used as a type of connecting word. Sometimes, as with the personal a, it need not be translated at all. No fuimos a la playa. We didnt go to the beach. Llegamos a Guatemala a las 17 horas. We arrive in Guatemala at 5 p.m. Conocà a la superestrella en Buenos Aires. I met the superstar in Buenos Aires. adonde and adà ³nde: Adonde and adà ³nde usually mean where, but only in cases where to where or some variation of that could be substituted in translation. In other words adà ³nde functions much as a dà ³nde would and indicates motion to a place or in a direction. Es una pequeà ±a playa pà ºblica adonde mis padres nos llevaban en verano. Its a small public beach (to) where my parents took us in summer.  ¿Quà © pasa si adà ³nde viajamos es otro planeta? What happens if where were traveling (to) is another planet? al: Al is one of Spanishs few contractions, combining a and el, a word for the. When al means to the, its use is straightforward. However, al followed by an infinitive is a common way of explaining that something happened after the action represented by the infinitive. Paulina y yo vamos al zoo para ver los animales. Paulina and I are going to the zoo to see the animals. Me alegrà © al encontrar algunos de mis amigos en el centro. I became happy when I found some of my friends downtown. aparentemente: Depending on the context, aparentemente can suggest more strongly than does the English apparently that things may not be what they seem. Est aparentemente feliz, pero est a punto de pedirle el divorcio. Shes supposedly happy, but shes on the verge of asking him for the divorce. apologà a: An apologà a is a defense of a position, as in a legal case or an argument. It is not used to express regret. No hay apologà a del terrorismo. There is no defense for terrorism. asistir: Although asistir can mean to assist, it much more often means to attend a gathering or event. Gracias a todos que asistieron mi concierto anoche. Thanks to everyone who attended my concert last night. El gobierno le asistià ³ con una pensià ³n hasta el final de sus dà as. The government assisted him with a pension until the end of his days. atender: Atender can mean to attend in the sense of attending to someone but not in the sense of attending an event. El doctor atendià ³ al futbolista en el hospital durante su grave enfermedad. The doctor attended to the soccer player during his serious illness. aun and aà ºn: Although aun and aà ºn are both adverbs, the first is usually used to indicate even as in the examples below, while the latter usually indicates an action continues and can be translated as still or yet. Aun este aà ±o no tengo nada. Even this year I dont have anything. Ni aun yo puedo entenderlos. Not even I can understand them. He configurado mi dispositivo, pero aà ºn no puedo usar la internet. I have configured my device, but I still cant use the Internet. Or, I have configured my device, but I cant use the Internet yet. aunque: Aunque is the most common way of saying although; often it is better translated even though or even if. If the verb that follows refers to something that already happened or is happening, it must be in the indicative mood, while a verb referring to the future or a hypothetical event must be in the subjunctive. Todo est bien aunque me tragaron los mosquitos cuando me fui de camping. Everything is fine even though the mosquitoes ate me up when I went camping. (Tragaron is in the indicative because it refers to a past event.) Crean una pila que no hace daà ±o aunque los nià ±os la traguen. They are developing a battery that causes no harm even if children swallow it. (Traguen is in the subjunctive mood because the event is yet to happen or is theoretical.) Sources: Sample sentences have been adapted from the following sources:, Diario Norte, Marcianitos Verdes, Facebook conversations, El Zol 107.9, Zendesk,, La Nacià ³n (Argentina), Twitter conversations, Cuba Encuentro, LaInformacià ³ and Diario Correo (Peru).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Kunming terrorist attack Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Kunming terrorist attack - Assignment Example On Sunday 2nd March 2014, police rounded up members of the Uighur population in the city for questioning, a move that was not taken well by the members of the Uighur community as they claim there is no way they could have identified the individuals since they were in black. Most of the attacks of this nature usually happen in Xinjiang where there there are common clashes between members of Uighur community and the police, therefore this was a special case since it took place more than 1, 500 kilometres away from the region. The UN security council condemned the attack and said there was no justification for any acts of terrorism and those responsible for the act should be brought to justice. The attack comes near the opening of the annual legislature where the government would delivers its report on its one year performance, therefore the incident was likely to dent the report. In another report, United States has finally called the attack a terrorist attack after accusations from the Chinese government on the failure to call the attack ‘ an act of terrorism’ which was carried out by eight attackers and left more than 130 people injured. The united states embassy in China had initially referred to the attack as ‘horrific, senseless act of violence’ which was seen as not strong enough by Chinese authorities. Xinjiang, which is the region largely inhabited by Uighur people who are Muslim minority, has been increasingly experiencing unrest due to immigration by the Han majority to the region, for instance, in 2009, ethnic violence in the region left more than 200 people dead. For a long time, the government has blamed Uighur activists for the violence while on the other hand the Uighur activists blame the government’s excessive control for the violence in the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Anorexia nervosa- Is it all in the mind or is the media to blame Dissertation
Anorexia nervosa- Is it all in the mind or is the media to blame - Dissertation Example This paradox explains that it is psychological since it is irrational. The psychological therapy alone is the ultimate remedy for this ailment. It is therefore concluded that anorexia nervosa is a mental condition and that media is entirely to blame. Table of contents Sl no Particulars Page No Abstract 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 3 1.2 Prevalence and distribution 3 1.3 Media’s role 4 1.4 Problem statement 5 1.5 Conclusion 6 Chapter 2 Literature Review 7 2.1 Evolution or genealogy of anorexia nervosa 7 2.2 Treatment 10 2.3 The Biological Model 11 2.4 The Psychodynamic Model 11 2.5 The Family Model 12 2.6 The Cognitive-Behavioral model 13 2.7 Media role in the treatment of anorexia nervosa 17 2.8 Conclusion 29 Chapter 3 Research Methodology 20 Chapter 4 Findings and Discussion 27 Chapter 5 Conclusion 31 References 33 Chapter1 Introduction Anorexia Nervosa was identified as early as in 1873 when William Gull coined the term. (Giordano, 2005). In 1874, Lasegue termed it as â€Å"ano rexie histerique’ and later ‘anorexie mentale’ (Bruch H. , 1980) Mara Selvini Palazzoli called it ‘anoressia mentale’ i.e mental anorexia so that it avoided confusion with neurological and endocrine disorders. Yet, ‘anorexia nervosa’ continues in usage internationally. Etymologically, the meaning of anorexia is ‘lack of appetite’ though anorexia nervosa does not mean lack of appetite. On the other hand, it is a condition of trying to suppress the feeling of appetite in spite being hungry. (Giordano, 2005). Moreover, starved of food, anorexics tend to always think of food (Bruch H. , 1980). This is the reason why Selvini Palazzoli states that mental anorexia is not a case of lack of appetite but a desire to be thin for achieving which anorexics willingly indulge in self-denial of food (Palazzoli M. S., 1998). In Germany, the condition is known as ‘adolescent mania of thinness’ (pubertatsmagersucht) (Gordon, 1990) . 1.2 Prevalence and distribution Anorexia affects 0.5 to 1 % of the population as reported by the American Psychiatric Association in 1999. The data available on the prevalence is inconsistent because of methodological problems involving several years of screening (Giordano, 2005) Prevalence denotes the number of cases in the population and incidence is the number of new cases in the population involving eating disorders (Hoek H. W.). In addition, there are cases never reported in the case of silent sufferers who would not seek help and never admit that they have the problem resulting in their data never entering statistical estimates (Giordano, 2005). In addition to anorexia nervosa, there are other eating disorders such as bulimia and binge eating all of which are exclusive to the Western and Westernized and other developed countries (Wardle, Bindra, Fairclough, & Westecombe, 1993). Eating disorders such as anorexia have been recognized only in the recent past as a syndrome. They appear in the 1992 version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) though anorexia nervosa appears in ICD-9 itself. It was a rare syndrome in the 1970s (Hill, 1977). However, the eating disorders have been on the increase since 1970s to 1990s. Because of the alarming increase in the incidence, anorexia nervosa along with the other eating disorders is now being called ‘a social epidemic’. Researchers are however, unsure of cause of the increase as they speculate on variables such as â€Å"demographic changes, public awareness of the condition, diagnostic criteria etc which are
Sunday, November 17, 2019
A Journal opinion article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
A Journal opinion article - Essay Example This has been the driver of social sites like facebook and twitter. The two issues are commanding a large market and therefore very important in economic development. Many would agree that people want to feel happy. This is quite paradoxical in the economic perspective. Philosophers agree that money is not the sole reason to happiness but rather it is just a means to fulfillment. Through research, it has been noted that the relationship between income in monetary terms and happiness or a feeling of fulfillment is quite complex. This seems partly affected by the fact that availability of money enables one to afford recreational facilities, holidays, retreats which are deemed to enhance a feeling of happiness. Some opine that having money doesn’t guarantee a feeling of happiness. Therefore this has remained a subject to many economic researchers who try to relate economics and community, or economics and sociology (Frey & Stutzer 63) In many countries today, job creation remains the priority agenda to development. But how does this stimulate economic growth and development? For instance, having a majority of citizens unemployed fuels society vices like robbery, drug abuse, rape, due to being idle and frustration. From these findings, it’s right to say that job creation is a key aspect to a country’s economic development. This touches on Improvement of other economic drivers as well. This may include industrialization. Job creation seems to be directly proportional to economic growth. Having a huge number of employees being paid by the government translates to high wage bill. The government will spent more amount of money to settle the salaries and wages. This means more taxes to the citizens so as to raise the money. How job creation and happiness are related is a paradox and complex. The effect of economic growth in relation to happiness differs from one country to another. Nevertheless, we can broadly categorize these into developed and dev eloping countries. In developed countries, majority of its citizens can comfortably afford basic needs like clothing, housing, food, medical care. However, this is a problem to citizens in developing countries. They barely afford three meals a day, good shelter, decent clothing, medical care and basic education. This may be a crucial parameter in determination of happiness. The two categories of citizens perceive economic growth and happiness differently (Frey & Stutzer 78) In developing countries, challenges faced also include pollution, depletion of non-renewable natural resources and generally, environmental degradation. This seems to fuel and accelerate the incidence of disease. Epidemiological studies and findings show that there is higher disease prevalence in these countries. High deaths may be recorded and this translates to disillusion and unhappiness. From the scenario, the affected people will incur more expenditure in pursuit of medical services and treatment. Cash flow will be altered at family level, cumulatively affecting the economic landscape of the entire community. Therefore the wellbeing of a person or group of people affects the economic development of the entire niche. The aspect of social wellbeing and economic growth tend to intertwine. Politics is a major factor to economics. Political stability or instability determines the investment patterns of a country. Leadership plays a role in public policy which may favor economic growth or derail it. Unstable governments leadership systems tend to repel
Friday, November 15, 2019
Investment Analysis for Jewellery Business
Investment Analysis for Jewellery Business Executive Summary Babushka’s Baubles is a company producing jewellery at the budget end of the market and has seen a sharp decline in its financial position, in 2008. Despite this, sale levels are consistently high and gross profit margins are healthy. This report has uncovered potential problems in the costs attached to inventory such as administration and also in the way that the working capital is managed. However, the investors are confident that the company has a positive future and is, therefore, maintaining an earnings-to-price ratio which is far higher than the industry average. Introduction This report aims to give a summary of the position of Babushka’s Baubles as reflected in the accounts of the company, year ending September 2008, with reference to the accounts for the previous year. The aim of the report is to provide investors with a snapshot of the current financial position of the company and to draw conclusions in relation to the previous period. The report will also draw comparisons with a similar company in the same market sector (Benny’s Bling plc), in an attempt to explain the key factors influencing the company. (In doing so, the different strategies in terms of marketing position will also be identified and taken into consideration). As well as analysing the accounts for the benefit of the investors, other potential users of the accounts will be considered. This will enable the company to identify areas of potential improvement for the company for the future[1]. The report will first ask which groups are likely to be the key users of the accounts and what they would hope to achieve from reading and analysing the accounts, or the summary contained in this report. The report will then move on to consider the main body of the analysis, looking at the key ratios and what these tell the readers about the position of the company. Finally, conclusions will be drawn as to the current position of the company and the suggested improvements that could be made for the future of the company. User Groups Accounts are used by a multitude of people and for a wide range of purposes. It is important to recognise this when it comes to reporting the financial status, so that these accounts can be geared towards ensuring the appropriate information is given to the correct people. The primary users of any set of financial accounts are the investors. Looking at the figures and the trends of the company will allow investors to decide whether they should buy shares or sell the shares they own and what sort of return they should expect from investing in the company. As well as the investors, lenders will be keen to look at the financial status of the company so that they know the safety of the loans which they have forwarded to the company and also to make judgments if they are considering forwarding more loans to the company[2]. Managers primarily use the set of management accounts to give them the necessary information to make decisions in relation to the running of the company. However, they will also use the financial ratios and accounts to help establish where they are in relation to the sector, as a whole, and in comparison to specific competitors. For example, in this case, the managers can consider their ratios in comparison to those of Benny’s Bling in order to ascertain their competitive position and how potentially they could improve their own position in the future. Other users will include customers identifying how likely the company is to be able to continue to supply them for the future. Employees may also be interested in relation to their job security and career prospects. Financial Ratios Financial ratios are used as a way of presenting the financial position of the company and to provide greater analysis of the underlying financial accounts. Trends can be identified and they are particularly useful when it comes to drawing comparisons with other companies in a similar sector. In some circumstances, financial ratios can even assist in order to predict bankruptcy while it is still possible. Although ratios can be useful, there are also some limitations inherent in their use which can reduce their usefulness from the point of view of comparison with other companies. Each company is likely to follow slightly different accounting policies and standards, each of which will have an impact on the way that the ratios are displayed and may make the comparisons less useful than they could be. The ratios will only be as useful and as accurate as the financial information upon which they are based. Where the ratios are based on summary accounts, this may not give a truly accurate view of the underlying position and more investigation may be necessary in order to obtain a full impression of the company’s position[3]. Financial statements are historic and in some cases can be substantially out of date. This means that that the ratios, based on these statements, may no longer be relevant as they have already been superseded, prior to the analysis being undertaken. Furthermore, comparison across different accounting periods can be misleading as it does not take account of any inflationary effects. As the ratios will be compared with a competing company, caution should be exercised due to the naturally different structures and approaches being taken by the two companies. Different companies will inevitably have different approaches and comparing ratios directly may not take this into account. Babushka’s Baubles – Financial Ratio Analysis A detailed analysis of the ratios in relation to the company has been undertaken and, at relevant points, these have been compared with Benny’s Bling in order to try and obtain a rounded view of the company’s position, both in relation to the previous period and to one of its main competitors. Caution should be used as the two different companies have different market positions, with Benny’s Bling aiming for the upper end of the market in terms of both price and quality and Babushka’s Baubles focussing more on the budget end of the market, which is likely to lead to slightly different accounts. Profitability The gross profit figure simply shows how much is made on sales related to the cost of those sales; it does not include any reference to costs such as general administration or selling costs. The more complete figure is that of the net profit margin which shows the amount of money that is made once all cost of the sales have been taken into account. On a wider note, the return on capital employed shows how much is made for every  £1 of capital that is invested in the company[4]. In all cases, the performance of Babushka’s Baubles has weakened between 2007 and 2008. There has been a huge reduction in the net profit margin and also in the return on capital employed, with not such a large reduction in the gross profit margin. This indicates that non-direct costs such as administrative and selling costs have increased dramatically, but sales have not increased in proportion. The gross profit margin in Benny’s Bling has dropped from 26% to 25% in the last year which, although it reflects a reduction, is still considerably higher than the profit margins of Babushka’s Baubles. Liquidity Both tests for liquidity, the current asset and the quick ratio, are considered absolutely vital for all businesses. They reveal how readily the company can meet its liabilities with the cash that it has available. Cash is, of course, vital to the day to day running of the company and any weakness in this area could reveal imminent troubles for the company in terms of cash flow. This is one of the first indications of bankruptcy and should be taken seriously[5]. The current ratio shows how easily the company can meet all current liabilities with the current assets available. A company should aim to have a ratio of at least 1 in relation to this ratio. Although it has reduced form 1.85 to 1.80, it is still well above the recommended minimum of 1. The quick ratio, on the other hand, considers the current ratio, but taking out the inventory element of the current assets as these cannot be easily converted into cash and, therefore, may not be relied upon to meet current liabilities. In this case, Babushka’s Baubles has a ratio of 0.42 (up from 0.41 in 2007). This is considerably below the desired minimum of 1. Moreover, it indicates that the company has insufficient cash and too much in the way of inventory. Benny’s Bling shows a similar trend, but its quick ratio is 0.8 which is much closer to 1 and indicates a much better inventory management policy[6]. Efficiency Efficiency is the next area that we are going to consider, as this may give a clearer view of how inventory is being managed. Inventory has been identified as a potential problem and, therefore, this area should be carefully considered. These figures indicate how many days it takes from the point of the inventory entering the business to the point that the inventory leaves the business. Other figures indicate how long it takes for the company to pay debtors and how long it takes for the company to receive money from creditors. The inventory period has become slightly longer, 32.23 days (up from 31.51 in 2007), which shows that the company takes around a month to produce the jewellery for sale. Benny’s Bling, on the other hand, takes just 22 days. It takes the company 29.98 days, on average, to pay its suppliers. This is up slightly from 2007, showing that cash is staying in the business longer. This in itself is a reasonably healthy figure, but when compared with the 75.26 day period that the company takes to get money in from customers, it is clear to see that work needs to be done on getting cash into the business more quickly after the products have been sold. Benny’s Bling, conversely, takes an average of 46 days to pay suppliers, yet receives payments in 26 days, showing a much better control over cash flow. Gearing Gearing simply shows the value of loans the company has in relation to shareholders’ equity. Ideally, the amount of shareholders’ equity should be higher than loans, as this indicates that the company has fewer obligations in terms of interest payments and is, therefore, considered to be in a better position financially. The lower the gearing figure the better. The ratio has remained reasonably consistent at 7.7% (down from 7.8% in 2007). This is healthy and indicates a low level of long term loans. Benny’s Bling has a gearing ratio of 50%, which is considerably higher and indicates a much larger amount of long term loans within the company[7]. Investments ‘Earnings per share’ is a basic measure of how much money is earned in the business for every share. In the case of the company, it is expected that this will be lower than in Benny’s Bling, due to the large levels of shares and the relatively low dependence on long term debts[8]. Price per share shows whether the purchase price of the share relates to the actual earnings the share is bringing in. If this figure is high relative to other companies in the sector, it indicates that the market is generally positive about the future of the company and is expecting an increase in performance in future periods. A low figure indicates a pessimistic view. The company has earnings per share of 0.21, which is down considerably from 2007 at 0.35; this is due entirely to the substantial drop in net profits between 2007 and 2008. The price / earnings ration is 18.10, considerably higher than the sector average of 9, indicating that the market is generally positive about the future of the company. Conclusions The company is in a generally positive position, with a good gearing position and solid sales. However, the company has potential difficulties in the way that it manages its efficiency and liquidity. Issues such as receiving money from customers and inventory management could have a dramatic impact on the short term ability of the company to meet its short term cash requirements[9]. If the company could deal with the inventory and cash issues it would have a long term profitable future, a view shared by the investors in the earnings / price ratio. Bibliography Atrill, Peter, Financial Management for Decision Makers, Pearson Education, 2005 Britton, Anne, Waterston, Christopher, Financial Accounting, Pearson Education, 2005. Chadwick, Leslie, Comparing financial performance: Ratio analysis and retail management, International Journal of Retail Distribution Management, 12, 2, 1984. Drury, J.C., A Study of Industry Financial Ratios, Management Decision, 19, 1, 1981. Gillespie, Ian, Lewis, Richard, Hamilton, Kay, Principles of Financial Accounting, Pearson Education, 2004. Lewis, Richard, Pendrill, David, Advanced Financial Accounting, Pearson Education, 2003. Peterson, Pamela P., Fabozzi, Frank J., Analysis of Financial Statements, John Wiley and Sons, 1999. Siegel, Joel G., Shim, Jae K., Accounting Handbook, Barrons Educational Series, 2006. Stickney, Clyde P., Weil, Roman L., Financial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods, and Uses, Thomson South-Western, 2004. Appendix – Financial Ratios Profitability Liquidity Efficiency Gearing Investors Footnotes [1] Gillespie, Ian, Lewis, Richard, Hamilton, Kay, Principles of Financial Accounting, Pearson Education, 2004 [2] Siegel, Joel G., Shim, Jae K., Accounting Handbook, Barrons Educational Series, 2006 [3]Peterson, Pamela P., Fabozzi, Frank J., Analysis of Financial Statements, John Wiley and Sons, 1999 [4] Stickney, Clyde P., Weil, Roman L., Financial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods, and Uses, Thomson South-Western, 2004 [5] Chadwick, Leslie, Comparing financial performance: Ratio analysis and retail management, International Journal of Retail Distribution Management; 12, 2, 1984 [6] Britton, Anne, Waterston, Christopher, Financial Accounting, Pearson Education, 2005 [7] Lewis, Richard, Pendrill, David, Advanced Financial Accounting, Pearson Education, 2003 [8] Atrill, Peter, Financial Management for Decision Makers, Pearson Education, 2005 [9] Drury, J.C., A Study of Industry Financial Ratios, Management Decision; 19, 1, 1981
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
A death in the family Essay -- essays research papers
James Agee's A Death in the Family is a posthumous novel based on the largely complete manuscript that the author left upon his death in 1955. Agee had been working on the novel for many years, and portions of the work had already appeared in The Partisan Review, The Cambridge Review, The New Yorker, and Harper's Bazaar. Published in 1957, the novel was edited by David McDowell. Several lengthy passages, part of Agee's manuscript whose position in the chronology was not identified by the author, were placed in italics by the editor, whose decision it was to place them at the conclusion of Parts I and II. These dream-like sequences suggest the influence of James Joyce, especially of Ulysses, on Agee's writing. It was also McDowell's decision to add the brief prefatory section, â€Å"Knoxville: Summer, 1915,†Agee's poetic meditation on his southern childhood. As an overture to the novel, this evocative section, although not part of Agee's original manuscript, is extremely effective, for it introduces the theme of lost childhood happiness that is central in the novel as a whole. The novel will treat the same milieu of middle-class domestic life-a social milieu whose calm surface of â€Å"normality†is shattered by the tragic and possibly suicidal death of Jay Follet, the child protagonist's father. In Part I of the novel, Agee quickly establishes the importance of the father-son relationship. Rufus Follet, Jay's six-year-old son, accompanies his father to the silent film theatre against the objection of Rufus's mother, who finds Charlie Chaplin (one of James Agee's heroes) â€Å"nasty†and â€Å"vulgar.†This disagreement underscores the marital conflict that underlies Rufus's ambivalent feelings toward both his parents. When Jay takes Rufus to a neighborhood tavern after the picture show, despite the father's warmth and love for his son, it is clear that the father's pride is constrained by the fact that the son's proclivities, even at this early age, follow the mother's interests in â€Å"culture†rather than the father's more democratic tastes for athletic ability and social pursuits. Tensions between Rufus's parents are apparent as Jay's drinking and â€Å"vulgar†habits become a point of contention in the household, with the child Rufus caught b etween his sometimes bickering parents. For her part, Mary Follet is a character whose extreme subjection to moralistic attitudes suggests... ... a prayer for the dead. Meanwhile Uncle Andrew takes Rufus for a walk and tells him about the â€Å"magnificent butterfly†that settled on Jay's coffin just as it was lowered into the grave before flying off high into the sky – an episode that Andrew believes â€Å"miraculous.†Andrews then reviles Father Jackson, who has refused to read the full burial service, since Jay has never been baptized. Rufus struggles to understand the hostility that Andrew feels toward the church even as he loves Christians such as Mary and Hannah. Rufus wants to ask for some clarification, but instead he and Andrew walk silently home. Thus Agee ends the novel on a note of unresolved conflict. As he grows up, it is suggested, Rufus will continue to suffer from the same divisions of faith and social milieu that are involved in his parents' relationship, and he will develop into the contemplative artist who already, at the age of six, has shown such sensitivity to human motives and the language in which they are conveyed. Written toward the end of his life, A Death in the Family may be considered Agee's attempt to understand the origins of, and to come to terms with, the self-division that plagued his existence.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Human Pathophysiology Essay
A 45-year-old grocery sales clerk has been suffering from bouts of severe pain in his left flank region. He blamed it on prolonged standing for 8 hours straight while working. He was taking over-the-counter pain medications for his pain. One day, he found fresh blood in his urine. He went to a doctor who performed urine tests, CT scans, and x-rays. He was diagnosed with urinary calculi. †¢Discuss possible factors that may have been responsible for the development of the stone and use this case to show how the patient’s diet and water intake can help analyze the composition of the calculi. Factors responsible for the development can include his family or personal history, being over 40, his gender, his diet, weight, over the counter medications, and possible dehydration. He will need to drink plenty of water, avoid excess caffeine, black tea, grapefruit and apple juices. He should also avoid foods high in oxalates, limit his sodium Intake, limit his animal protein and avoi d mega-doses of vitamin C. By following this dietary and water intake method it should help analyze if the calculi composition is Calcium oxalate, Calcium phosphate, Cystine, Magnesium ammonium phosphate, or Uric acid. †¢What would be the test results of his white blood cells, blood calcium levels, CT scan, and x-ray? Urinalysis will be positive for nitrite, leukocyte esterase, and blood. The white blood cell (WBC) count will be elevated, with a left shift. Creatinine level will also be elevated in outlet obstruction. CT scan will demonstrate bladder calculi if the test is performed without IV contrast material. The unenhanced spiral CT is sensitive but yet specific in diagnosing calculi along the urinary tract and even pure urate calculi can be detected this way. KUB detects radiopaque stones because pure uric acid and ammonium urate stones are radiolucent and can be coated with a layer of opaque calcium sediment. The sonogram will show a classic hyperechoic object with posterior shadowing, and it is effective in identifying both radiolucent and radiopaque stones. (Basler, 2014) †¢Suggest the best treatment for the patient and a plan to prevent recurrence post-treatment. Treatment is with analgesics, antibiotics for infection, medical expulsive therapy, and, sometimes, shock wave lithotripsy or endoscopic procedures. †¢Facilitate calculus passage with ÃŽ ±-receptor blockers such as tamsulosin. †¢For persistent or infection-causing calculi, complete removal using primarily endoscopic techniques. (Preminger, 2014) Prevention Drink plenty of water, get the proper amount of calcium according to your age, reduce sodium , limit animal protein such as red meat, poultry, eggs, and seafood , and avoid stone-forming foods such as beets, chocolate, spinach, rhubarb, tea, most nuts rich in oxalate, and colas rich in phosphate. References: Preminger,G. (2014, July). Urinary Calculi. Merck Manuals. Retrieved from: Pendick, D. (2013, Oct). 5 steps for Preventing Kidney Stones. Harvard Health Publications. Retrieved from: Basler, J. (2014). Bladder Stones Workup. WEbMd. Retrieved from:
Friday, November 8, 2019
Google Company
Google Company Introduction Google Incorporation is one of the leading internet-related firms that operate in the global market that has been in operations since 1996. The case study reveals that this company has achieved success in the market because of its unique strategic plans it has been using in the market for the last one decade. A critical analysis of the firm reveals that it is using a number of grand strategies to achieve competitive edge over its market rivals.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Google Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Product development is one of the grand strategies that this firm has been using over the past few years. Google Inc has highly diversified its products in the market as a way of expanding its sources of revenue. Market development is another grand strategy that has given this firm a competitive edge over its market rivals. After achieving success in North American and European ma rkets, this firm made a successful entry into the Chinese and African markets. According to Peteraf and Thompson (2015), innovation is another very important grand strategy that firms are now using to gain competitive edge over their market rivals. This company has achieved success because of its team of highly talented and innovative employees. The firm has come up with new and highly innovative products in the computer software market that has posed serious threat even to the established players in this industry such as Microsoft. The management has always been encouraging innovation among its employees through its reward system. This firm has also used generic strategies to achieve success in this competitive market. The firm has been using differentiation as a way of making its products unique from that of its market rivals. In this paper, the researcher will critically analyze the strategies used by Google Inc in the market based on the case study provided. Strategic Issue The case study identifies a number of strategic issues that Google Inc is facing in the market as it struggles to gain competitive edge over its market rivals. It is clear that this firm has been using acquisition as one of its main strategies of expansion. However, not all its acquisitions have been a success. The acquisition of YouTube in 2006 was expected to bring instant success in terms of revenues generated from advertisements. However, the case reveals that it took longer than expected to start generating desired revenues from this newly acquired product. According to Peteraf and Thompson (2015), the acquisition of Motorola Mobility in 2012 was also seen as a strategic move by this firm that would enable it to enter the computer and Smartphone hardware market. However, this actually put it in direct market rivalry with one of the most successful firms in this industry, Apple Inc. It meant that Google had to find a way of convincing its clients that its products offered superior v alue compared to that of Apple Inc, a brand that has a huge base of loyal customers who believe in its high quality products. The decision to expand its line of products in the software industry also put it in direct competition with Microsoft which is currently the market leader in this industry. Its attempt to enter the social media market through Orkut social network and Google+ also did not succeed as per the firm’s expectation.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The management of Google expected instant success in China as it targeted its 300 million internet users. However, it came to realize that the market was dominated by Baidu which had a loyal customer base that was not willing to switch to a new search engine. The close control of this industry by the Chinese government has also been an issue for this firm. This has slowed its ability to expand rapidly in this attractive market. External Environment When developing marketing strategies to enable it achieve success in the numerous markets that it has entered, Google Incorporation will need to understand the external environmental forces that may affect its operations in the market. According to Gamble, Peteraf and Thompson (2015), understanding the external environment makes it easy for a firm to identify the forces that may bring opportunities and forces that may bring threats in the market, and how to deal with them in an effective manner. When analyzing the external environment, it will be necessary to start by looking at the industry life cycle. Figure 1: Industry Life Cycle The internet industry is still growing, but it is now approaching the maturity stage. Over the past two decades, this industry has experienced phenomenon growth. However, this is now slowing down, a sign that it is approaching maturity. The case reveals that firms in this industry have been keen t o expand their operations globally as a way of expanding their market share because of the maturity of their home markets. Google Inc was forced to expand to China because its market share was not significantly growing in the American and European markets. It saw new opportunities in China and neighboring countries. On the other hand, Baidu also noticed that its Chinese market would not offer it significant growth in market share, especially after the entry of Google into the local Chinese market.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Google Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It acted very quickly to expand its operations to American and European markets. Google Inc is also approaching the maturity stage in this life cycle given that it is the industry leader in the global market. Key success factors The case study clearly reveals that Google Inc is entering a highly competitive business market. Some of its new rivals in the market are firms that have registered success for so many decades with brands that are very popular. Apple Incorporation and Microsoft Corporations are firms that have been very successful in their respective industries. However, this does not mean that Google Incorporation has no chance of beating these firms in their respective industries because it has been just as successful as these two firms. The marketing team will have to work as a unit in taking advantage of the key success factors that can enable this firm gain competitive edge over its competitors. One such competitive factor is its team of skilled and dedicated employees. This company is known to be very keen in attracting and retaining its highly talented employees. This talent within its workforce will enable it come up with unique products that can outsmart those offered by the market rivals. The talent will also be very important when it comes to developing promotional strategies. In the current compet itive market, successful firms are those that have mastered the art of marketing. Firms that know how to pass a promotional message to the target audience without making them feel irritated are the only ones that can be successful in the market. This company has the right team to achieve this objective. The leadership of this firm is also a key success factor. The management of this firm has remained highly flexible when it comes to implementing new trends that emerge in the market. Most of the new lines of products offered by this firm were creations of a section of the employees of this firm. The management has been keen to identify and develop creative ideas among its workforce. It has provided the right environment for the employees to be creative in what they are doing. The expanding middle class in the global market, especially in China and India, is worth noting as a factor that may bring success to this firm if effective marketing strategies are developed to reach out to the m.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Strategic group map Strategic group map analysis may further help in defining the position of this firm in the market. Based on the case study, Google Inc has majorly focused on two areas which are product diversity, geographic coverage. Over the years, this firm has expanded its product offerings beyond the search engine. It now offers a wide variety of computer software and hardware products. It has also expanded its geographic coverage beyond the United States. The firm realized that this is the best way through which it could expand its market share. Its products are now available in the global market. Google search engine is currently the most frequently used engines in the world, having made a successful entry into the African market despite the problems it faced in the Chinese market. The map is given in appendix 5. Industry Analysis When developing a strategic plan it is always important to critically analyze the industry’s attractiveness to determine the ways in whic h its opportunities can be tapped. After understanding the general external market, this section now narrows down to the specific industries that Google Incorporation is operating in to determine its forces that may affect the firm’s competitiveness. Porters’ Five Forces is very useful at this stage. Five forces analysis The first factor that the marketing manager must focus on when analyzing this industry is the competitive rivalry within it. As Gamble, Peteraf and Thompson (2015) note, the level of competitive rivalry will always determine the right strategies that a firm can take in order to remain successful. In the search engine market, Google Incorporation has already eliminated major threats, especially after a successful entry into the Chinese market. However, the entry of this company into the computer software and hardware promises to be the greatest challenge that this firm will have to deal with, especially in the local market in the United States. In the h ardware market, Apple Incorporation is currently the market leader. This firm has been known for its high quality products. The brand is known to offer the best in this industry in terms of quality. Many firms such as Samsung have tried to compete against it, but what they have succeeded in doing is to produce large quantity products that target the lower market segments that are always keen on purchasing low-priced products. In the software industry, Apple Incorporation and Microsoft Corporations have been the giants that have dominated the market for the last four decades. Google Inc will be a junior player in these two industries. As such, it should be keen to avoid price-wars in these new markets because the industry leaders have a better opportunity of wining such wars. Threat of substitute products, according to Gamble, Peteraf and Thompson (2015), is always another issue that a firm has to put into consideration when developing the marketing strategies to boost its competitiv eness. An industry that offers numerous substitute products is as dangerous as an industry that has numerous players. In the search engine market, this threat is relatively low. However, the software market has a number of substitute products that one can use. Google can manage this threat by ensuring that its products are always of higher quality than what the substitutes offer. Threat of new entrants is real in all the industries where this firm operates. Technology is transforming the world and it is also creating innovators and inventors across the world. The emerging technology makes the market highly unpredictable, and this means that this company must always be ready to deal with threats of new entrants in the market. The firm will have to remain very innovative and flexible in all that it does in the market. Bargaining power of buyers in the market may sometimes be considered a challenge, especially if clients have the power to dictate the prices of the products in the marke t. It is a fact that the market where this firm operates is highly competitive. However, the bargaining power of the clients has remained low, especially in the computer software and hardware markets. This is an important factor that should inform the marketing strategies that Google Incorporation will use. For instance, the bargaining power of the buyers is always eliminated when they are offered a product that exceeds their expectations. When customers realize that products they are buying have features that are incomparable to what others offer in the market, they always tend to be willing to pay more for the products. It means that this company will find a way of delivering unique value to all the products it has in the market. Finally, it will be important to look at the bargaining power of the suppliers. According to Gamble, Peteraf and Thompson (2015), when suppliers have a greater power to dictate terms of trade, then this may affect the profitability of a firm because the s uppliers would always want terms of trade that is highly beneficial to them. In the computer hardware market, this problem is real given that some of the components used in developing these hardware have to be imported from other parts of the world. This firm will need to form a strategic alliance with all its suppliers in order to reduce or even eliminate this threat in the market. Industry Profile Attractiveness It is necessary to analyse the attractiveness of the industry where Google Inc operates in order to determine how it can take maximum advantage of it. In the United States and China, the population of the middle class and upper class members of the society have been on the rise in the past one decade. The same case has been witnessed in many other countries where this firm operates. Despite this attractiveness, the management of Google Inc needs to understand the fact that this industry is very delicate. The market is very sensitive due to stiff competition. A little mista ke may result into a major shift, and this may affect the sustainability of the firm. The current industry leaders in the computer software and hardware products such as Apple Inc and Microsoft have gained market trust, and it will require effective marketing and production strategies to compete with them favourably in the global market. Company Situation At this stage, it is clear how the larger external environment and the specific industries where this firm operates looks like, and the steps that this firm will need to take to manage these external forces. In this section, the focus will be narrowed down further to the specific firm to understand its situation and ability to manage the forces discussed in the section above. This section will also look at various strategies that this firm can use in the market to deal with various forces discussed in the sections above. To critically analyze the internal environment, it would be necessary to use SWOT analysis. The strength of this firm lies majorly on its team of innovative employees. The main driving force of Google Incorporation is innovation. The firm started as a search engine company that offered its users superior value compared to what was offered by other market rivals. This catapulted it to be the leading search engine company in the world. The innovative team of employees has worked very hard to come up with an array of products that this firm can offer to the market. That is why Google Inc is currently operating in a number of industries. The flexibility of the top leaders of this firm has worked to its advantage. The top leaders of this firm has maintained a close relationship with the employees to ensure that whenever they have a new idea, the idea is quickly developed into a new strategy or new product that can enable this firm to achieve greater success. Products such as Google TV emerged out of such creativity and close relationship between the management and employees. The case study reveals that Google is keen on imitating some of the successful products in the market. This is a major weakness that the firm will need to fight. For instance, the firm came up with Google+ in 2010 to offer products that were very similar to what Facebook was offering. However, it never achieved any significant success despite the resources that were used in promoting it. The product lack originality and the firm lack the vision of pushing it to become a major platform as successful as Facebook. The firm has now entered the computer hardware market that is currently dominated by industry’s giants such as Apple Inc. Only time can tell if this new product line will be successful. The firm should try to avoid this mimicking strategy and instead become creative in the market. The market has a number of opportunities that this firm will need to take advantage of both locally and internationally. From the case study, it is clear that China has about 300 million people who are actively us ing the internet. This is a massive opportunity to grow, especially if it can manage to come up with products that will outsmart Baidu that is currently dominating the market. The expanding size of the middle class in North America and the rest of the world is another major opportunity because this means that more people are economically empowered to use the products offered by the company. Most of the products offered by this firm are more appealing to people who have some level of literacy. This population is rapidly increasing in the global market, increasing the number of those who will find products of this firm relevant to them. The local and international market has a number of factors that are a threat to the success of this firm. From the case study, the biggest threat of this firm is the level of competitive rivalry in the local market. The decision of the firm to start developing computer and Smartphone hardware makes it a direct market rival of Apple Inc, a major player in this industry. Its successful entry into the software industry makes it a competitor of Microsoft. These two giant firms have proven that they know how to manage competition, especially the rivalry that comes from the emerging firms. These two firms are expected to offer very stiff competition to this company in the local market. Grand strategy The grand strategy that Google Incorporation is currently using in the market is majorly based on the premise of diversification. For the first ten years of its market entry, Google Inc was keen on developing its competitiveness in the search engine market. Most of its revenues were generated from the advertisement as it won the trust of the national and international community as the most reliable and efficient search engine. However, this firm has changed this strategy and it is currently keen on diversifying its products. The diversification strategy has been made possible by two main approaches. The first approach is acquisitions. As t his firm strives to diversify its sources of income, it has acquired a number of firms such as YouTube, Motorola-Mobility, and Double Click. Google Inc acquired these firms to enable it expand its sources of income. The other approach that has helped in diversifying its product lines is strategic alliance. In instances where this company realizes that it cannot purchase a given company that it desires, then it is always willing to enter into strategic alliance with them. That is how it was able to come up with Google TV after forming an alliance with Sony, Intel, Adobe, Logitech, and Networks. This alliance has been beneficial in promoting the capacity of this firm to deliver better hardware in the market. Product development It is clear from the case study that Google Incorporation has decided to diversify its products. This means that it has a number of direct market rivals and this increases the competitive rivalry in the market. To manage this market rivalry, this firm will need to differentiate its products in the market by enhancing some of their features to be better than what the competitors offer. All the products of this firm should be designed to be unique in terms of delivering value. This will make them successful in the market. Market development The current market position of Google Incorporation requires it to develop effective strategies that would enhance its competitiveness. This can be done on the basis of the 4 Ps of marketing mix elements. The product element has been discussed in the section above. As stated above, this firm will need the products that are superior and differentiated from what others offer in the market. Having superior products will give it a competitive advantage over its market rivals. The firm should be very cautious when pricing its products in the market. The pricing strategy should attract the target clients, but it should not provoke a possible price war in the market because this may be very disastrous. The prod uct of this firm should be readily available in the places where clients expect them to be, especially the software and hardware products. The promotional strategy used by this firm should use both the social and mass media platforms to reach a wider segment of the market. Conclusion and Recommendations It is clear from the case study that Google Inc has achieved massive success over the past decade due to management strategies that not only focuses on diversification, but also delivery of high value products to clients. It was not an easy decision for this firm to challenge some of the most successful technology-based companies such as Microsoft Corporation and Apple Incorporation. The progress of this company in the software market has generally been a success. The stiff competition from the market leaders did not deter it from making progress. However, its ability to be successful in the computer hardware market is yet to be determined. As it seeks to achieve greater success in a ll the industries where it operates, Google should consider taking into account the following recommendations. Generic strategy Porter’s Generic Strategy offers a number of options that a firm can use to achieve competitive advantage in the market. Each of these options fits into various contexts based on the position of the firm in the market and the variety of products that a firm offers. This company now finds itself in a situation where it has to find an effective competitive strategy because its market rivals are now ready to deal with the new competitive market condition. Its diversification clearly shows that the strategy will have to put into consideration a number of factors in order to achieve the intended outcome. Under this generic strategy, there are three options available for the firm as shown below: Cost leadership Cost leadership strategy involves setting friendly prices on products in order to attract customers. Under this strategy, Google Inc may need to ch arge a below-market average price for all its major products as a way of gaining competitive edge over its market rivals. Using cost leadership is not possible for this firm, especially in the computer hardware and software market where there are established market leaders. The market leaders have the experience and financial muscle that can easily make them win such wars if this company chooses to use the strategy. However, this strategy may work in the search engine market where it is the market leader. As a market leader, it has the power to adopt the strategy, especially when the aim is to fight off new entrants or weaker competitors. Focus strategies Focus strategy is always considered appropriate for small companies that are keen to avoid upsetting the market for fear of eliciting stiff competition from the market leaders. It always enables a firm to enter a given market in a quiet way and sometimes without the knowledge of the industry leaders. For Google Inc, this strategy m ay not be applicable because it is a large firm with clearly defined competitors. This strategy should, therefore, be avoided. Differentiated strategy The best strategy that this firm can use is differentiation. The stiff competition in the market requires a strategy that will enable Google Incorporation to achieve uniqueness in the market. It means that this firm will have to differentiate its products from those of the market rivals in order to make them unique. This strategy enabled it to become an industry leader in the search engine market. This strategy may enable it achieve success in the other markets despite the threat of stiff competition it faces from the industry leaders. Objectives The objective of these strategies is to create a competitive advantage for Google Inc that will enable it to manage the threats it is currently facing in the market. The strategies seek to find the best ways in which this firm can ensure that its products are successful in the market without jeopardizing their profitability. If implemented properly, these strategies should make the products offered by this company different from that of other market rivals in terms of value they give to the customers. Strategic justification Google Incorporation has taken very ambitious projects which may pose serious financial consequences if they fail to work as per the plan. The investment made in the software and hardware projects is significant, and the marketing team at Google must ensure that it is successful. That is why this strategic marketing plan is very important. It will determine the ability of this firm to continue on its successful path even after taking this risky but ambitious plan that promises a lot of prosperity. Appendices Appendix 1: Porter’s Five Forces As shown in the Porter’s Five Forces figure above, Google Inc must find a way of dealing with the five strategic issues in this industry to achieve sustainable growth. Appendix 2: SWOT Table STR ENGTHS: Effective leadership Efficient and highly skilled workforce Financial power Innovation and quality production Experience in the search engine market WEAKNESSES: Limited experience in computer and Smartphone hardware market Unsuccessful acquisitions of some ventures Slow in understanding laws in international markets OPPORTUNITY: Growing middle class in various markets in the world Growing number of people using computers and phones Increasing number of people using internet Increasing number of literate people THREATS: Massive market competition The unpredictable nature of technology Unfavorable laws such as that witnessed in China Government interference in some markets Appendix 3: Financials Financial Ratios 2012 2011 Liquidity Ratios Quick ratio 4.2 5.9 Cash ratio 3.4 5.0 Current ratio 4.2 5.9 Asset Turnover Ratios A. collection period 0.52 0.49 Financial Leverage Ratios Debt ratio 0.18 11899/72,574 Profitability Ratios O. profit margin 0.25 0.31 ROA 0.11 0.13 Activity Ratios A.C. Period 57.36 103.85 Appendix 4: 4 Ps of Marketing Product: High quality products that meet customer needs Price: Effective pricing strategy that will not promote price wars in the market Place: The products must always be made available to customers Promotion: Effective promotional strategies on mass and social media Appendix 5: Strategic Group Map Reference Gamble, J., Peteraf, M. Thompson, A. (2015). Essentials of Strategic Management: The Quest for Competitive Advantage. New York: McGraw Hill.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
101 Time Management Strategies For Marketers - CoSchedule
101 Time Management Strategies For Marketers As content marketers and bloggers, we all feel like we could use some better time management strategies from time to time. In fact, one of the biggest takeaways we learned from our 2016 Better Marketer Survey is that our readers are short on time. As we dug deeper into the data, it wasn’t hard to see why. Most of our audience is working alone or with a small team, and usually without all the resources required to create all the content they need. The majority of respondents are also fairly new to content marketing and blogging, with 63% reporting they have two years of experience or less. Put that all together, and it sounds like a recipe for burnout. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, however, there are ways you can get in control to tilt the odds for success back into your favor. By optimizing your workflow, leveraging the right tools, and learning to focus on the tasks where you can make the most impact, you can make your life as a content marketer less stressful and more satisfying while increasing your productivity. Here are 101 marketing time management strategies to help you better manage your time, work more efficiently, and get back in control of your content. Table Of Contents Content Strategy Ideation Organization And Project Management Team Communication Content Writing Graphic Design Search Engine Optimization Social Media Email Content Calendar Management Analytics And Reporting General Productivity 3 Content Strategy Time-Saving Tips 1. Think MVP (Minimal Viable Product) When planning your content strategy with limited time, ask â€Å"what is the minimum amount of resources and effort each project will take to be successful?†This isn’t the same as cutting corners, however. Think of this process as a way to mentally cut your content down to what’s most essential, and leave anything that isn’t critical to your success on the cutting room floor. 2. Refresh And Republish Instead of creating completely fresh content every time you sit down to write a post, consider identifying older content you can potentially update and refresh. To do this, use Google Analytics to find your top performing posts. Then, search the primary keyword for each post and see what content is currently ranking on the first page of Google. If those posts have newer or more relevant content than your own post, double down on revising your posts to be even better than theirs. Then, republish it as a new post, or an updated version of the original. This strategy can help you save time by leveraging what you already have, rather than having to come up with something new from scratch. Plus, it can also be a good way to get more mileage out of posts you know already resonate with your audience. Recommended Reading: How To Breathe New Life Into Old Blog Posts 3. Create A Quick Reference List Of Content Curation Sources Identify influential sources in your niche you can lean on for content curation and put them into a list you can refer back to later. That way, you won’t have to hunt for sources later. Back To Table Of Contents 15 Content Ideation Time Management Strategies 4. Use Google Trends Use Google Trends to quickly gauge searcher interest in a given topic. It’s a free and easy-to-use tool that shows how frequently a given topic is getting searched, which is extremely helpful for validating the worth of your content ideas. 5. Find Top-Performing Content Fast With BuzzSumo If you’re ready to move up to a paid tool, BuzzSumo is a handy tool for surfacing the top performing content on a given topic. It can help you not only determine what’s popular, but also show you what kind of competition you’re up against. 6. Don't Forget About Google's Keyword Planner While it’s primarily a PPC tool, Google’s own Keyword Planner needs to be mentioned here as well. It’s useful for both generating keyword ideas as well as estimating the potential search traffic they could deliver to your post. 7. Leverage Your Competition Manually review the most recent posts from your top competitors blogs and websites. Look at what they’re doing to get an idea of what topics are hot at the moment. Keep your eyes open for new information that you could add to a post, that no one else has (yet). 8. Try Portent's Content Idea Generator Portent’s Content Idea Generator is good for at least getting the gears in your head turning on ideas you can use quickly. Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator is similar and worth checking out, too. 9. Use Feedly Use Feedly to quickly keep tabs on recent news and blog posts. It's similar to what Google Reader used to be, pulling the latest posts from different sources you find in one place for easy reading. 10. Take Notes And Keep Them Organized Save time trying to find where you’ve kept all your inspiration filled notes with a tool like Evernote. Alternately, something like Google Keep or any note taking app can also work well. 11. Set Time Limits On Brainstorming Sessions Brainstorm (with a time limit). Have your team write down as many ideas as they can think of in five minutes. Put them on notecards and then post them on a board. Go through them all and rank each idea a 1 (so-so) to 3 (brilliant). Discard anything that is not a unanimous 3. This process can easily yield dozens of strong ideas in under an hour. Recommended Reading: 4 Simple Brainstorming Techniques That Will Help You Write Killer Content 12. Use A Voice Recorder Or Mobile App To Take Notes On The Go Inspiration can come anywhere and at any time, so make a habit of recording your ideas whenever they pop into your head. Use a voice recorder or note-taking app on your phone, or consider carrying around a notepad in your work bag. 13. Subscribe To E-newsletters In Your Niche Or Industry Subscribe to quality industry email newsletters. Following thought leaders in your niche is a lot easier when you’re getting their latest information sent directly to your inbox. 14. Use Internal Search Terms To Generate Content Ideas Use internal site search analytics to see what people are looking for on your site or blog. This can be a fast way to identify gaps in your content (if people are looking to you for something you don’t have content for, then you know it’s time to get to work). 15. Use Downtime To Research On Your Phone Turn wasted time into productive time by using your phone to research while waiting in shopping lines, riding public transit, or anywhere else you find yourself waiting (and when and where it's acceptable to use your phone). Smarter #Marketer Tip: Waiting in line at the store? Use that time to research on your phone....16. Audiobooks Are Your Friend Listen to audiobooks related to your professional development on your commute instead of music or the radio. You'll pick up information you can then put to use when you get to the office. 17. Use Google Analytics To Identify Past Success Use data from Google Analytics to predict success and avoid wasted time on things that won’t work. For example, if you notice that several posts on a given topic aren’t performing well, consider whether the issue is the quality of your content, or the possibility that the topic simply doesn’t have an audience. If you know certain topics resonate with your readers and you have the data to prove it create more content like that. 18. Create An Ongoing Idea List Maintain a list of content ideas you can pull from in the future. Keep it in a Google Doc, spreadsheet, or Evernote doc that your entire team can access and edit. Then when it comes time to write a post, you can just pull an idea off the list instead of wasting time wondering what to write about. Back To Table Of Contents 6 Organization And Project Management Strategies 19. Use A Shared Meeting Calendar Use a shared Google Calendar to make sure everyone on your team has visibility on meeting times, events, out-of-office requests, and so forth. 20. Use Consistent File Names Establish a consistent naming convention for saving files. This can make finding things later much easier. Recommended Reading: How To Rock A Content Development Process That Will Save You Tons Of Time 21. Take On Projects In Logical Order Group similar projects together and knock them out all in a row as sprints. For example, list all the steps required to write one blog post. Then, run through them starting at the top. 22. Follow The 80/20 Principle Also known as the Pareto Principle, the 80/20 principle is the idea that 80% of your output will come from 20% of your effort. To leverage this for your work, start by eliminating or delegating menial non-essential tasks that don't directly impact results. The more you focus on things that directly affect productivity, you'll get more done with less effort. 23. Be Realistic About What You Can Do Prioritize projects and only take on the ones that are within the scope of your resources and stand a reasonable shot at success. 24. Set Goals For Every Task Set progress goals for every project and stick to them. They'll keep you focused on your end result and help you build discipline. Back To Table Of Contents 7 Team Communication Strategies 25. Use A Messaging App Instead Of Email For inner-office communication, a tool like HipChat or Slack can improve efficiency while keeping your email inbox uncluttered. 26. Use Screenshots For Design Edits A picture is worth a thousand words. If you need to suggest design edits, sometimes sending screenshots is the best way to go. Use a tool like Skitch, SnagIt, iAt Home, or Awesome Screenshot to take screen captures with notes and arrows. 27. Know When To Delegate If someone else can do a task 80% as well as you can, and you don’t have time to do it yourself, consider handing it off to another team member (so long as they do have time). 28. Know When To Ask For Help Ask for help before you’ve wasted too much time trying to figure something out on your own. There’s something to be said for showing initiative and trying to learn things yourself, but if you know that someone on your team already has that knowledge, just ask. You’ll get more done that way. Strategy #28: Save time by asking for help sooner. #ContentMarketing29. Keep Shared Files Easily Accessible Make sure everyone knows where to access files and documents your team will use. This sounds basic, but if you’re using multiple resources to store files, you’d be surprised how easy it is for things to get out of control if your team doesn’t know what goes where. 30. Establish Team Workflows Establish consistent workflows to save time wondering what each person should be doing at each step of a project. To do this: Get your team together to create a list of every step required from each team member to complete the project (be sure you do this before doing any of the actual work itself). Put those steps in order. Identify who will be responsible for each piece. Have each person notify the next team member when it's ready to hand off. By the time you're done, you'll have an effective workflow template you can follow on similar projects in the future, refining the process as you discover what works and what doesn't. 31. Set Up Regular Times To Check In Schedule regular touch-point meetings and stick to them. This removes excuses for not having time to communicate, or for team members not sharing vital information. Back To Table Of Contents 17 Content Writing Productivity Strategies 32. Use Outlines Create an outline for every blog post. Knowing the structure of your post will help you write it quicker and create more focused content. 33. If You're Overwhelmed, Do Better At Doing Less Think less is more. If you’re feeling overwhelmed trying to create too many posts, try putting more effort into fewer posts. Sometimes having greater focus on fewer things can help rein in some of that stress. Recommended Reading: How To Blog With As Little As Possible 34. Avoid Pursuing Perfection Don’t cut corners on quality, but do avoid chasing perfection. There will always be things you want to change, so focus on shipping and know when to call your work finished. 35. Edit Your Own Work First Edit your own work first before passing anything off to a proofreader or copy editor. It’ll help save them time and better endear you to staying on their good side. 36. Write Big Posts One Piece At A Time Break down long-form pieces into smaller chunks and work on one section at a time. This can help you work faster by focusing on smaller portions of the overall post, instead of getting overwhelmed by the full scope of your idea. 37. Set Deadlines Deadlines. Set them and meet them. Don’t let your work stretch to fill an excessive amount of time. 38. Hire Help Don’t have time to do everything yourself? Consider hiring freelance help if you can. 101 tips to save time with #blogging and #contentmarketing (spoiler alert: use ).39. Turn Coworkers Into Blog Contributors Leverage internal experts within your organization. If you’re working in-house with a business, get buy-in from other team members with unique expertise who may be able to help contribute blog posts. 40. Schedule Writing Work Blocks Block off focused and uninterrupted time to write. Distraction-free word processors like FocusWriter or WriteBox can be useful if you really want to get serious about eliminating distractions. This way, you can get more writing done quickly without getting sidetracked. 41. Forget Word Counts Don’t waste time worrying about hitting specified word counts (unless you’re working with an editor or manager who is adamant about a specific word count). The right length for your post is however long it takes to write a full and comprehensive piece of content on your topic. Usually, that’s going to mean a substantial length (1,500+ words), but not always. 42. Consider User-Generated Content Consider accepting unsolicited reader submissions or create a section where readers can write their own blog posts on your blog (this will not necessarily work nor be appropriate for every blog). Moz’s YouMoz Blog is a great example of how to do this well. 43. Solicit Guest Bloggers Having some extra help from reputable contributors can make it much easier to get authoritative content on your blog with less effort from your own team. 44. Use Hemingway Want to know if your writing sucks? The Hemingway app will let you know, and help you identify ways you can make your writing clearer. It’s available for both Mac and PC, and is worth its $10 price tag, especially if you don’t have an actual copy editor or proofreader. 45. Use Use a tool like to schedule your blog publishing and associated social media content ahead of time. Is this a shameless plug? Absolutely, but there's a reason why we build our product. (If you haven't tried it yet, get your 14-day free trial here.) 46. Write Headlines With The Headline Analyzer Use the Headline Analyzer to quickly write and score headlines. This makes it easy to write lots of headlines fast and choose the best option. 47. Use The Skyscraper Technique Use the skyscraper technique to quickly identify top performing competitor content you can improve on. This simply involves looking at the top-ranking content on your given topic or keyword, identifying what those posts are missing, and then making sure your own content fills those gaps. That could mean including information those other posts are missing, or different types of content they lack (for example, embedded videos or infographics). 48. Repurpose, Repurpose, Repurpose Repurpose content from your blog posts for other content. Borrow blog post copy for your email newsletter. Turn several related blog posts into an ebook. These are just a couple ideas, but if you need more inspiration, here's over 50 ideas for repurposing content. Back To Table Of Contents 5 Graphic Design Time Management Strategies 49. No Designer? No Problem. Don’t have access to Photoshop? Or, does your team lack a dedicated graphic designer? In either case, tools like Canva,, and Piktochart make it easy to create high-quality images and infographics you can use for your content. While the above tools are definitely useful, sometimes you really need dedicated design and image manipulation software to get the job done right. If cost is the only thing stopping you from investing in Photoshop, consider GIMP. It’s a free and open-source alternative to Photoshop that, while lacking certain features, still packs an incredible amount of power. This isn't necessarily a time-saving tool, per se, but if you've been putting off creating graphics because you don't have budget for the right tool, now is the time to stop wasting time with excuses and start getting down to work (the payoffs for having quality graphics are worth it in the long run). 50. Reuse Graphics Don’t forget that one graphic can potentially be used multiple places. For example, try remaking blog header graphics in multiple sizes for email newsletters and social media posts. If you have certain graphic elements you use frequently, consider storing them all in one place where they can easily be accessed. 51. Use Keyboard Shortcuts Learn Photoshop keyboard shortcuts. The time you spend internalizing them into your workflow will save you tons of time in the long run. 52. Use Image Templates Create your own Photoshop templates for common image sizes and formats you know you’ll be using often, or find downloadable templates online (a quick Google search should yield plenty of options). 53. Give Your Designer Direction Before They Start Working If you're a writer or blogger working with a graphic designer, give them an idea of what you want for graphics before they get started. This can help avoid confusion and having to redo images when the results don't match expectations. For graphic designers, this same advice applies in reverse. Ask your writer what they want up front. Even if they can't quite communicate exactly what they're looking for, opening up the discussion early in the collaborative process can be an immense time saver later on. Back To Table Of Contents 4 Search Engine Optimization Time Management Strategies 54. Use Yoast If you’re using WordPress, use the Yoast plugin to quickly check your on-page SEO and make sure your title tags and meta descriptions are well written. 55. Get An SEO Platform If you have a budget, use a dedicated SEO software platform to manage your search engine optimization efforts. Moz and Raven Tools are both affordably priced and fully featured options that will cover most of your bases. Backlink tools like Majestic and Ahrefs are well worth a look as well. The benefits to using these services are that they keep your data stored in one place and make performing SEO tasks much quicker, easier, and more effective. 56. Leverage Local SEO Tools To Quickly Clean Up Citations If local SEO has any relevance to your business (meaning, if you have a brick-and-mortar location and rely on search to drive foot traffic), Whitespark and Moz Local are two great tools to help speed up a lot of menial tasks that can otherwise eat up valuable hours of your time. 57. Use Screaming Frog Fixing broken links on your blog or website can be time-consuming. However, it helps to pay attention to them and get them fixed as an ongoing practice, rather than letting them accumulate and having to fix a ton of them all at once. Use Screaming Frog to quickly crawl your site and identify URLs that return a 404 status code. Back To Table Of Contents 15 Social Media Time Management Strategies 58. Use One Tool To Manage All Your Accounts Manage all your social media accounts with one tool. , Hootsuite, and Buffer are all valid options for this task. By logging into one dashboard instead of multiple sign-in pages each time you want to schedule social media updates, you can easily save an enormous amount of time. 59. Automate Social Media Publishing Automate (some) of your social media content. You’ll want to continue adding a personal touch to your social media posts, but filling your social queues with pre-scheduled content can help you maintain a consistent presence with less active effort and attention. 60. If Something Isn't Working, Stop Get rid of platforms that aren’t working. Focus more effort on fewer channels. You’ll likely be less stressed and more successful. 61. Use IFTTT To Automate Social Media Tasks Use IFTTT to automate recurring tasks. It's a cool tool that uses "recipes" to automate processes (and has applications that go way beyond just social media). Here's a good video tutorial on how it works: 62. Use Rapportive To Gather Social Profiles From Emails Get an email from someone and want quick access to their social profiles? Use Rapportive. It's quicker and easier than manually searching for their Twitter handle. 63. Use Tomoson To Find Influencers On Social Media Use Tomoson to find influencers and brands who might be interested in your product or service. Rather than manually searching for experts on a given topic, it can make finding prospects for this kind of social media outreach quicker and more effective. 64. Avoid Social Media When You're Supposed To Be Doing Something Else Eliminate distractions from your personal social media when you’re working. You’d be surprised how much time you might be wasting checking your Facebook updates or Twitter stream. 65. Respond To Comments, But Keep It Short And Sweet Expedite social media response times. If you don’t have the time or energy to write up a thoughtful response to a social media post, sometimes a simple â€Å"Thanks for reading!†is enough to let someone know you've heard their feedback. 66. Turn One Idea Into Multiple Posts Try writing a few different versions of a single post. Then, schedule those posts out throughout the week. Now one idea for your post has become three. 67. Use Twitter Lists Use Twitter lists to quickly follow influencers on specific topics. You can either create lists yourself to monitor accounts based on topics or interests, or simply search Twitter for lists on topics you’re interested in and follow them. #TimeSavingTip Use Twitter list to quickly follow influencers and topics without the noise....68. Use Storify Use Storify to round up tweets and social media posts quickly. 69. Use Social Media Engagement Metrics For Instant Content Feedback Use social media engagement numbers as a rapid-fire real-time indicator of which content is most popular. 70. Use Hashtags Smartly Leverage hashtags to easily increase exposure. Be sure to choose hashtags that directly relate to your brand, blog, or content. This may seem basic, but it's an often overlooked tactic that can help your posts gain more visibility quickly. 71. Write Posts In Bulk Write social media posts in bulk and schedule them out at least a week or two in advance. 72. Use Followerwonk Want to analyze your Twitter performance and find influencers quickly? Try using Followerwonk. It’s free, fast, and easy to use. Back To Table Of Contents 6 Email Marketing Time Management Strategies 73. Use A Real Email Marketing Platform If you don’t have access to a developer who can build you custom email newsletter templates, then use a platform to manage email like MailChimp or Campaign Monitor (at , we use Campaign Monitor). They’re easy to use and make email marketing management a lot more efficient than going without them. 74. Resend Past Email Newsletters Instead of writing a whole new email, try taking your last email and sending it to anyone on your list who didn’t open it the first time (be sure to wait about a week first). 75. Use Pop-Up Forms To Build Your Email List Use automated pop-ups on your blog or website to build your email list fast and convert readers into email subscribers. SumoMe's Scroll Box is an easy to use tool for this task, available in both free and premium versions. 76. Give Away Free Bonus Content To Drive Email Signups Use content upgrades to entice more email subscriptions. A content upgrade can be defined as a gated piece of content (like an infographic, ebook, video, course, or something else) that requires readers to exchange their email address in order to access the content upgrade. One piece of content can equal tons of subscribers, making this a highly efficient way to grow your email list. 77. Automate Email Follow-up With Boomerang If you need to automate a lot of messages for one-on-one email outreach, use Boomerang to follow up on emails. 78. Check Email At Set Times (Instead Of Literally All The Time) When it comes to your own work email, set time aside to check your email rather than checking it every five minutes. If you took our suggestion of using HipChat or Slack for inner-office communication, you’ll probably notice the amount of email hitting your inbox dropping substantially, too. Back To Table Of Contents 3 Content Calendar Time Management Strategies 79. Use A Content Calendar If you aren’t already, use a content calendar. Any kind of calendar. We’re going to plug ourselves quick here, but using can help save tons of time here. 80. Schedule Content Two Weeks In Advance Keep your calendar full for at least two weeks out into the future. You’ll get more done when you’re not stressed over hitting immediate deadlines. That may mean having to work a little extra hard at first to build up enough content to fill your calendar, but once you've gotten past that initial effort, you'll find yourself freer to strategize and work more efficiently. 81. Consistency Is Key Be consistent when updating your content calendar. Build habits that save time and your calendar will, in turn, help you save time elsewhere in your workflow. Back To Table Of Contents 3 Analytics And Reporting Time Management Strategies 82. Use Pre-Built Google Analytics Dashboards If you’re not skilled in configuring Google Analytics yourself, get more utility from it faster using pre-built dashboards. That saves you time from having to learn how to configure everything correctly yourself while making sure your dashboards are designed to be useful. 83. Use SumAll To Gather Social Media Data Use SumAll to automatically generate data-driven social media performance reports (note that as of March 1, 2016, this is a paid-only tool). 84. Set Up Automatic Reporting In Your SEO Platform If you’re using Moz, Raven Tools, or any other content marketing and SEO platform, use it to set up automatic reports delivered to your email. That way, you can provide reports to management quickly without having to build out reports manually. Back To Table Of Contents 17 General Time Management Strategies 85. Track Your Time Time tracking tools like Toggl work well for this. Or, just use the timer on your phone. Over time, you’ll get a better idea of how much time tasks generally take, and be better able to plan accordingly in the future. 86. Use The Pomodoro Technique Try using the Pomodoro technique throughout your workday. In short, it’s a productivity method where you work in 25-minute bursts, separated by break periods. 87. Take Timed Breaks Even if you don’t use the Pomodoro technique, taking timed breaks is still highly advisable. Your brain simply can’t fire on all cylinders around the clock. Taking breaks can actually increase your #productivity.88. Use A Password Manager Use a password manager to save time entering passwords or recovering passwords you’ve forgotten. 1Password and LastPass are both solid options. 89. Don't Fear Failure Fail fast and move on. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from trying something new that may work better than what you did yesterday. 90. Don't Waste Time On Things That Aren't Working Likewise, if something isn’t working, either figure out why it’s not working or ditch it and move onto something else. Bias yourself toward action and don’t waste time overanalyzing things. 91. Avoid Multitasking Stop multi-tasking. Studies show you’ll get more done, more quickly if you focus on one task at a time. 92. Use Checklists Create task checklists to keep yourself on track. Wonder what makes checklists such an effective tool for getting things done? Read The Checklist Manifesto. 93. Never Start A Meeting Without A Plan Plan your meetings and set timers. Never go into a meeting without an agenda or a goal that the meeting is intended to help achieve. 94. Only Use Tools That Show Real Benefits Use tools and software services that deliver demonstrable productivity benefits. Ditch any that don’t. That saves time and money all in one fell swoop. 95. Take On Your Toughest Task First Thing In The Morning Do your most dreaded task first thing in the morning, whatever that task may be, to free up mental space to take on the rest of your day. 96. Get Enough Sleep Sleep. You’ll get more done, more quickly if you’re well rested. Working when you’re tired leads to diminishing returns over time. 97. Don't Say Yes To Everything Learn how and when to say no. While it’s often tempting to take on every opportunity and task handed your way, you don’t want to burn yourself out by taking on too much. Be realistic about what you can accomplish with the time you have. Simple but true: Saying yes to everything leads to #burnout. Learn how to #sayno. #productivity98. Leave Enough Time For Small Setbacks Leave a time buffer when estimating time for tasks to account for unforeseen hang-ups. This can help avoid missing deadlines. This is important because missed deadlines have a way of snowballing by pushing out timelines on other projects. 99. Make Time To Plan Set aside time for planning. It takes time, but it also saves time in the long run. 100. Use Friday Afternoons For Routine Maintenance Tasks Plan your least mentally intensive tasks for Friday afternoon when you’re probably drained. That way they won’t distract from more important work but they’ll still get done. Recommended Reading: What To Do On The Weekend To Increase Your Productivity On Monday 101. Plan Tomorrow, Today Use the end of one day to plan what you’ll do at the start of the next day. You'll likely be feeling drained around the end of your day, which makes it a good time to write up a simple list of priorities for your next morning. You'd be surprised how much time this can save while making optimal use of your energy levels. Back To Table Of Contents That Wraps Up All 101 Marketing Time Management Strategies Developing better habits isn’t always easy, and odds are, it’s going to take a little while before you can start applying the majority of these time management strategies to your content marketing workflows. However, all of these items are things you can start doing today, taking things one small step at a time until you’ve established more efficient and productive ways to work. Are there any tips, tools, or tricks we’ve missed? Sound off in the comments below, and thank you for reading!
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