Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Romantic Era Of American Literature Promoted...
The romantic era of American literature promoted inspiration that allowed the United States to discover its own individuality and culture. Writers like Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, and Ralph Waldo Emerson began to retreat from European influence and looked inward for inspiration. Emersion, in particular, preached the idea of isolating oneself from society and depending solely on the inner soul. These themes can be found in most of Emerson’s writings, but is most significant in his essay, Self-Reliance. This essay follows the narrator as he delves into the distant levels of self-reliance. In fact, the steps of the narrator’s journey toward self-reliance simultaneously reveal the path to inner divinity. The beginning of Self Reliance outlines the importance of depending upon oneself, while providing traces of guidance toward the inner soul. In this passage of the essay, the narrator builds his argument and gathers his points of support to introduce the novel topic o f self-reliance and allude to inner divinity. He only urges people to take the first step to looking internally for guidance and he emphasizes the withdrawal from external opinions and principles. Individuals must build confidence and pride in them and abandon the crutches society provides them to truly start depending on one. â€Å"Trust Thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.†(Nation of Letters: A Concise Anthology of American Literature, 110) With this quote, the narrator adequately sums up theShow MoreRelatedThe Romantic Era Of American Literature Promoted By David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, And Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay1158 Words  | 5 PagesThe Romantic Era of American literature promoted the inspiration that allowed the United States to discover its own individuality and culture. Writers like Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, and Ralph Waldo Emerson began to retreat from European influence and looked inward for creative vision. Emerson, in particular, prea ched the idea of isolating oneself from society and depending solely on the inner soul. These themes can be found in most of Emerson’s writings, but are most significant in his essayRead MoreThe Romantic Period Of Edgar Allan Poe976 Words  | 4 PagesEdgar Allan Poe is an important poet from the Romantic period. His work reflects his life in so many ways. It shows his fears, his ideas and how his life was. His work gives you an idea how the life and the circumstances of the time where during the 19th century. Poe used his own imagination, his life and the people around him as an inspiration for his work. The era between 1750 and 1870 is called Romanticism. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
The Moving Train History Of Segregation - 1866 Words
Alyssa Kim Mrs. Gillespie English II 27 April 2015 The Moving Train: History of Segregation â€Å"You cannot be neutral on a moving train.†History is like a moving train. Passengers in a train know that they are going in a wrong direction, but they are afraid of jumping off a train. They decide to go wherever the train goes. The majority of white Americans were those passengers throughout the history. In A Raisin in the Sun, there is one white American who appears. Karl Lindner is a representative of a white neighborhood called Clybourne Park in Chicago. He suggests to the Younger family not to move into his white neighborhood. The neighbors think living separately is better than living together even though they need to buy the Younger family’s house. Karl Lindner’s role in the play is to show the serious housing segregation in Chicago during the 1950s and even in the United States as a whole. Housing segregation was included in Jim Crow Laws that limited black Americans before the Civil Rights Movement. Karl Li ndner is a symbol of the majority of white Americans around the 1950s who followed the social atmosphere promoted by segregation laws. Karl Lindner is a representative of the Clybourne Park Improvement Association. He represents his neighbors’ opinion that white people should live with white people and black people should live with black people. Lindner states, â€Å"But you’ve got to admit that a man, right or wrong, has the right to want to have the neighborhood he lives inShow MoreRelatedEssay On Plessy V. Ferguson Case Of 18961190 Words  | 5 Pagesstruggle for equality has existed throughout history. The color of a person’s skin seems to depict everything about them. Not only was this an issue in earlier times, but the present as well. The battle to overcome inequity was made significantly more troublesome in the Plessy v. Ferguson case of 1896. One of the most historic cases in Supreme Court history is the Plessy v. Ferguson case of 1896. Plessy v. Ferguson was a trial that ruled segregation as legal, as long as separate, equal facilitiesRead MoreThe Civil War And The End Of Reconstruction1197 Words  | 5 PagesReconstruction, the protection for the rights of African American ended if there was any. Southern States had moved to impose a system of segregation on nearly all areas of life. New laws that required segregation that stirred â€Å"separate but equal†doctrine that disenfranchise African Americans for almost six decades. It is hard in this days and age to be able to imagine segregation as a law, but the remnants just change form and name. A petition file on June 7, 1892, in the supreme court Louisiana by a localRead MoreSegregation in the 1930s 802 Words  | 3 Pagesyou were and how you fit into society. The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, illustrates specific examples of segregation. Segregation was a major issue in history ranging by class, gender and race because people discriminated against anyone that was different. Discrimination resulted in threats, violence, and bias opinions that negatively impacted daily living. Without a doubt, segregation between classes impacted the way society worked. Back then people believed that social classes should beRead MoreRacial Tension During The Great Migration Essay1699 Words  | 7 Pagescash crops like cotton, resulting in poor crop yields and an uncertain economy(Clark); threats from the supposedly subdued Ku Klux Klan, the need for better jobs, and segregation due to the Jim Crow Laws were some reasons why African Americans decided to flee the South. By 1919, one million African Americans had left the South by train, boat, bus, cars, and even horse drawn carts (Great Migration). 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Nella Harper Lee wrote this novel to give her readers a harsh sense of the segregation that went on in the south during this time period. Between the years of 1925 and 1935 there were many problems facing the south. The depression brought job and poverty issues to many blacks, which increased the segregation. To Kill A Mockingbird has many parallels between the fictional segregation in the novel and the factual racism that actually took place in this time span. Between theRead MoreEssay on Racism In America1586 Words  | 7 Pagesprofound cases of racism in the â€Å"United†States of America have been felt by Native Americans, Asians, African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Muslims. Major racially structured institutions include; slavery, settlement, Indian reservations, segregation, residential schools, and internment camps (Racism in the U.S., 1). Racism has been felt and seen by many in housing, the educational system, places of employment, and the government. Discrimination was largely criminalized in the mid 20th centuryRead MoreThe Train From Hate By John Hope Franklin2027 Words  | 9 Pages â€Å"The Train from Hate†The Train from Hate is an idea image of how racism was strong and endured by many African Americans during the early years. John Hope Franklin was one of the out spoken and influential writer and author of our time. Franklin sunrise to life was in the year or 1915 and transition to death was in the year of 2009. He died at the age of 94. His literary works spoke for itself. He dedicated his life works to the war against racism in the US. He became one of the best authors
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Vulnerability at Best free essay sample
That familiar acidic taste and suffocating flame fought their way up the back of my throat; with each breath that I took, it got painfully harder to swallow. Through the rolling tears, which I tried to hold in, I rushed off the field with my head downwards and the intensions of being unnoticed, but the pressure within me lunged forward, and I nearly fell. Naively, I had thought I could go on the rest of my life invisible and overlooked, but that night, when I made my debut under the name Freedom Colorguard, I felt exposed. Gathered with my team to reflect on our performance, I peered around to my other six teammates, absorbed the visages of disappointment among their sweating faces, but averted my face once they caught me staring. Using the back of my worn glove and hiding my actions behind the flag that was still waving slightly in the September air, I fanatically wiped away the evidence of shame. We will write a custom essay sample on Vulnerability at Best or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My spectator friends tugged at my arm, and overwhelmingly they spoke all at once. I received the generic â€Å"Good job!†and â€Å"I could hardly recognize you!†but the whole time I looked away, trying to disentangle myself from them; I had thought failures were easy to cover up, but this one lingered in the air and mocked me. I couldn’t bear another meaningless compliment and made my way through the dense masses of spectators. I pushed through many faces and noticed how dart-like their eyes were. Desperately, I sought after the outdoor bathroom for privacy. That night, no one comforted me; even my instructor didn’t tell me that it was okay, because my performance couldn’t be erased. Admittedly, I had never done anything as physically and mentally demanding as guard. Originally, I was fooled into thinking that guard connotes girls waving flags at football games; little did I know that it’s a sport of the arts, and that it’s as fierce and exhilarating as other sports. So I received a rude awakening during band camp, for each mistake I made was castigated with countless laps around the parking lot. Each count I was off, I had to do push-ups. Each time I apologized, I was told to stop apologizing and to get it right. Each time I was on the verge of tears, I was told that they didn’t matter. I wasn’t used to being told that my flaws weren’t okay; I never once had been judged for the precision of my work. The blunt truth of reality was unbearable, and all I wanted during those sweat and tear-stained laps was to stop and go home. I knew I was crazy, but I found myself at auditions the next season. Then it struck me; I came back because there’s something beautiful behind all the blood, sweat, and tears. It’s me. Three seasons later, I huddled with my team as we got ready to walk in and perform our final show for the AIA Championships at Chesapeake. The crowd’s enthusiasm for the preceding guard was apparent by the resonance of their cheer through the cinder-block walls. Their show was at its climax and nearly over. Among each other, we whispered a few words of strength to chill our pre- finals anxiety. I didn’t understand why that flaming lump in the back of my throat formed, but I burst into tears once my instructor concluded, â€Å"This is it.†My teammates noticed my involuntary cascade of emotions before I did myself; I was about to face the largest crowd I’ve ever seen, yet I merely stood weeping. However, those waterworks were of a different kind, because this time I didn’t run away; I wanted the judges’ eyes to watch, and to never forget me.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Commercial Law Text - Cases - and Materials
Question: Discuss about the Commercial Law for Text, Cases, and Materials. Answer: Introduction: The main issue in this case is whether a contract between was formed between Vanessa and Nikhils Car Sales Pty Ltd (Car Sales). A contract is a promise made by one party to carry out certain things in exchange of a consideration. It can be either a written contract or verbal contract. There are six elements of a valid contract, and these include offer, acceptance, consideration, intent, consent and capacity. In a contract, an offer is made and an acceptance has to be gained. A mere counter offer is not taken as an acceptance, as was established in the case of Hyde v. Wrench (1840) 3 Beav 334. A contract also needs to have a consideration, which has some economic value. This consideration can be anything which is decided by the parties as long as it has certain economic value. This was held in the case of Chappell Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd [1960] AC 87. The parties to the contract should have the intent to enter into a contract. In other words, the parties should have the intention to create a legal relation, as was held in the case of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company [1893] 1 QB 256. In absence of an intention, the contract cannot be legally binding. The consent to enter into the contract must be free from cohesion, duress and undue influence. Lastly, the contracting parties should have the legal capacity to enter a contract. This means the contracting parties have to be of sound minds and legal age. In the present case, the offer was made by Car Sales. A counter offer was made by Vanessa, which was accepted by Car Sales. A consideration of $9500 was fixed for an exchange of the car. This consideration was paid by Vanessa and the car was attained by her. Both Vanessa and Car Sales had the intent and capacity to enter into a contract. From the above analysis, it can be clearly established that a contract was made between Vanessa and Car Sales. The issue is this case is the availability and applicability of remedies to Vanessa on the basis of her rights under the common law. When a party lies about a certain fact, so as to induce the other party to enter into a contract, it is the case of misrepresentation. Such an aggrieved party, who relied on the false statement and suffered a loss as a result of it, can claim for damages as per the common law. This was held in the case of Bisset v Wilkinson [1927] AC 177 where the defendant lied about the material fact of the case and the plaintiff was awarded damages. Further, such misrepresentation must have induced the party to enter into the contract as was held in the case of Museprime Properties v Adhill Properties [1990] 36 EG 114. The false statement has to be regarding the fact of the contract. A mere opinion of a person cannot be held as a false statement. In the same way, claims made in the advertisements cannot be held as representation of facts. But where the advertisement contains factual statements, the case of misrepresentation can be established if the said factual statement is a false one. Further, misrepresentation means an innocent mistake where the maker of such statement believes that he is making a true statement. There is no intention to deceive a buyer. A fraudulent statement is made if the maker of such statement is aware that the statement is false. In such a case, the contract can be rescinded by the aggrieved party. Also, the aggrieved party can sue for monetary damages as a compensation for the loss incurred. In common law, there is a rule of Parol Evidence Rule (PER). This rule was established in the case of Goss v Lord Nugent (1833). When a written contract is formed on the basis of a discussion, it is assumed that all the terms of the agreement have been entered into the written contract. This is the rule of PER. PER prevents a party from using the previous agreement as an evidence to challenge the written contract. Another case in this regard is De Lassalle v Guildford [1901]. In this case, the previous communication between Vanessa and Car Sales contained a clause of warranty. But when the contract was drawn in written form, the warranty was not mentioned in it. Also, Vanessa had read the contract and signed it. So, she cannot claim warranty on the basis of parol evidence rule. Further, the salesman of Car Sales had opined that the car was one of the best. This was an opinion and not a statement of fact. So, the salesman cannot be held liable for misstatement as per the common law. The statement made by Nikhil was fraudulent. Even though there was only one previous owner, but such owner was a company and the car was a fleet car. Fleet vehicles are often used by many people and are also given on rent. Nikhil knew about this material fact of the contract and did not disclose it. So, a fraudulent misstatement of fact is present in this case. Hence, Vanessa can claim remedies on the basis of fraudulent misstatement. As per the common law, Vanessa is eligible to get the contract revoked and get damages in form of monetary compensation. The issue is this case is the availability and applicability of remedies to Vanessa on the basis of her rights under the Australian Consumer Law (Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), Schedule 2). As per Section 18 of this Schedule, a person is prohibited from conducting trade in way which is misleading or deceptive or which would likely be misleading or deceptive. These provisions are applicable to the publication of an advertisement as per section 19(2). Section 20 of this Schedule prohibits a person from indulging in unconscionable conduct within the meaning of the unwritten law. Section 21 of this Schedule contains that a person should not be engaged in unconscionable conduct relating to the supply of goods and services. Section 29 of this Schedule contains the provisions regarding false or misleading representations regarding the goods or services. This section prohibits a person from making false or misleading representation related to promotion of goods and services. A person is not allowed to make a misleading representation regarding the quality, standard or style of the goods or services. In case a false or misleading representation is made, Section 151 states the penalties in such cases to the amount of $1,100,000 for a body corporate and $220,000 for an individual. Further, as per section 224, when the Court is satisfied that a person has contravened with sections of unconscionable conduct and unfair practices, the Court, at its discretion can order the person to pay pecuniary penalty to the Commonwealth, State or Territory, as the case may be. These penalties are same as stated in Section 151. Section 227 holds that this penalty may be paid to the aggrieved party if the Court finds it appropriate. Further, the aggrieved party is also liable to compensatory damages as well as is eligible to gain an injunction against the breaching party to stop the misleading conduct and the unfair practices. In the case of Google Inc v ACCC High Court of Australia [2013] HCA 1, Google was considered to be engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct as per section 52 of the Trade Practices Act which is now section 18 of the Australian Consumer Law. In the present case, Vikram was engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct by failing to disclose the material fact regarding the previous ownership of the car. This misled Vanessa into buying the car. Further, Vikram had also lied about the low kilometers part in the advertisement along with the promise of a 12 month warranty to induce the buyers to purchase the car. Vikram was also engaged in unfair trade practice. The car for sale shows the odometer at 75,000 but at the time of sale, the car had covered 175,000 kilometers. Under the Australian Consumer Law, a misrepresentation of fact is considered as deceptive. And here, the statement of the salesman would also be considered as deceiving. Further, the product that Vikran was selling was in bad condition and this again, is covered in unfair trade practices. Hence, as per the Australian Consumer Law, Vanessa has the right to sue Car Sales for contravention of various provisions of this act. And as a result, she is liable to monetary compensation as well as equitable remedies in form of injunction against Car Sales. References Australian Contract Law. (2010) Chappell Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd [1960] AC 87. [Online] Australian Contract Law. Available from: [Accessed on: 16/09/16] Australian Contract Law. (2010) Google Inc v ACCC High Court of Australia [2013] HCA 1. [Online] Australian Contract Law. Available from [Accessed on: 16/09/16] Australian Government. (2016) Federal Register of Legislation: Competition and Consumer Act 2010. [Online] Australian Government. Available from: [Accessed on: 16/09/16] Carter, J.W., Peden, E., and Tolhurts, G. (2007) Contract Law in Australia. NSW: LexiNexis Butterworths. Corones, S.G. (2011) The Australian Consumer Law. NSW: Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia. Dosen, A., et al. (2013) Investigating Legal Studies for Queensland. Melbourne: Cambridge university Press, p 40. Gibson, A., and Fraser, D. (2014). Business Law 2014. NSW: Pearson Australia. LawTeacher. (2016). Contract Law Misrepresentation Cases. [Online] LawTeacher. Available from: [Accessed on: 16/09/16] LawTeacher. (2016). Explaining The Parol Evidence Rule And Its Exceptions To The Rule. [Online] LawTeacher. Available from: [Accessed on: 16/09/16] Macdonald, E., and Atkins, R. (2014) Koffman Macdonald's Law of Contract. 8th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p 290. McKendrick, E. (2014). Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. 6th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 80-81. Morandin, N., and Smith, J. (2011). Australian Competition and Consumer Legislation 2011. Sydney: CCH Australia Limited. Swarb. (2015) De Lasalle V Guildford; CA 1901. [Online] Swarb. Available from: [Accessed on: 16/09/16]
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