Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The ways in which Dads Army exploits its medium to create and circle humour Essay Example for Free
The ways in which Dads Army exploits its medium to create and circle humour Essay Dads Army is a situation comedy set in a small, desolate town during the Second World War. Dads army is based on a unit of a home guard. The town is called Walmington-On-Sea. The show, directed by David Croft and Jimmy Perry, was broadcasted from 1908 to1977. It was shown weekly. The show is mainly about a platoon. This platoon consists of a group of men who set up a local defence unit. The platoon is lead by George Mainwaring. Dads Army is an early sitcom. If we watch carefully we can see that it is rooted in many antecedent genres notably Theatre and Radio. Radio donates the voices and how they differ in different situations. These changes are usually the quickness, tone and volume. We can see this when Mainwaring emphasis what he says. He seems to speak like a machine gun firing. The words are fired out loud and quickly and sometimes letters are missed off outstandingly vowels and syllables. Theatre offer many different tricks used since before Shakespeare, which mainly are set pieces. Dads Army takes many different scenes from Shakespeare. A fine example of this is in a later episode of Dads Army. It was taken from Shakespeares Twelfth Night when Malvolio is being watched. Dads army replaces Malvolio with Mainwaring. We can also realise that the Platoon always mess the jobs they are given up. This adds to the comedy in a clownish sort of way. Maybe because we notice that Mainwaring is always trying to keep the military ethic, idea and dignity which is usually demolished because of his uniform being messed up. This clown acting is used in every episode of Dads Army. There are many examples of these, most of them being continual gags (happens in nearly episode) outstandingly Pike always getting wet and Mainwaring being ridiculed due to the state of his uniform. The acting in Dads Army is mostly to create humour but the words that are spoken can be used for humour or to send a message across to the audience such as if they were posh or not. The way the character speaks allows us to discover more about them e.g. if they had special accents or catch phrases. But this could happen in any other sitcom. What separates Dads Army from every other sitcom at the time was that it describes the actors character in great depth. We can learn many things from the characters as the programme is episodic, which is another thing which is donated by radio. This means, unlike a soap opera, that there are no cliff hangers. This also lets us to discover the personalitys of the characters in depth and allows character development e.g. Pike is very sensitive. This also allows room for catch phrases e.g. you stupid boy! There is more ways in which humour is created and circled though. There are many other reasons how Dads Army exploits its medium to create and circle humour. The camera works always adds effect in these situation comedies. We can see this clearly in Dads Army. In episode 59 Things that go bump in the night we can see this happening. First we have the scene in which once again Pike gets wet as the door was shut by Fraser on him. The camera moved between the characters involved but the shots were only seconds long. This creates the comedy as you just get a glance at the face expressions. These are called reaction shots. This is why Dads Army differs from theatre. Here we can see the look on the characters face before and after the incident. This is one of the main ways in which Dads Army exploits its medium. Secondly, when the house owner arrives home the camera shows two second shots of the Platoon and the owner of the house. We never actually see the face of the owner until the lights in the bedroom are switched on. This makes it seem more like a horror film which in the end turns to humour. Do create the humour the camera uses panning such as zooming into characters, close ups and reaction shots. Technology has also effected how Dads Army is created. At the time the latest technology was used to create the opening credits which were cleverly produced to make the audience know that the programme is a comedy right from the start. They did this by using a military operations map with different flags on it. This is emphasised by the chase music in the background. What is hard not to notice is the canned laughter. This is used to circle the comedy just displayed on the screen. It is used in every episode. This can sometimes influence the audience in many different ways.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Politics and the Media Essay -- Media Politics Political History Essay
Politics and the Media It is a reasonable expectation that the media will gather the facts and report the news fairly, accurately and responsibly. The American public relies on the media for a great deal of its information. "The role of the press in American politics has become a major source of discussion and controversy in recent years" (Davis, 1). The question raised in this paper is, "Does the media present the news fairly, accurately, and completely?" The short answer is no, the long answer will be examined throughout the following essay. This essay will examine the media and its influence and effects on politics and government. "Publick Occurrences" was the first newspaper to appear in colonial America. This publication begins the history of the media and its effects on politics and government in America. The paper was struck down soon after being published and its publishers arrested. Without the protection of the First Amendment, newspapers had little chance of survival; especially if they were critical of established authority. The first successfully published American newspaper came almost fifteen years later in 1704. It was entitled the "Boston News-Letter". Several other papers came into circulation in colonial America and just before the Revolution there were twenty-four papers in circulation. Articles in colonial newspapers were a major source of political pressure in shifting public opinion from reconciliation with England to complete political independence. Thus began the history of the media influence in America and its effects on American government and politics. The number of printed newspapers in America continued to grow and by the end of the Revolution there were approximately forty-three newspapers available to the public. They played an important role, informing the public, in the political affairs of the young nation. In 1791 the Bill of Rights was passed securing the freedom of the press. Protected by the First Amendment, American newspapers played an important and influential function in local and national politics. Newspapers were originally a luxury only enjoyed by the wealthy and the literate minority. It was during the era of Jacksonian democracy, the 1830's, that newspapers became more widespread. This resulted from the invention of the "Penny Press." It was now possible to sell newspapers for one cent a copy... ...e facts and report the news fairly, accurately and responsibly. It concludes with the assertion that although the media report the news it is not always fair and accurate. Yellow journalism, the Nixon-Kennedy debates, and advocacy journalism (broadcasting) demonstrate that the influence the media have on government and public opinion. In a democracy any attempt to regulate the influence of the media will conflict with the constitutional protection of the First Amendment. The antidote for an overly influential media is an educated public. Works Cited Coulter, Ann. "Ann Coulter on Liberal Bias in the Media." Interview with Katie Couric. Today. NBC. WNBC, New York. 26 June 1994. Davis, Richard. The Press and American Politics. New York: Longman, 1992. Graber, Doris A. Media Power in Politics. Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1990. Goldberg, Bernard. Bias. Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2002 Kelly, Michael. "The Myth of Media Fairness." New York Post 21 Dec. 2002: 17. Streitmatter, Rodger. Mightier than the Sword. Colorado: Westview Press, 1997. White, Theodore H. The Making of the President 1960. New York: Antheneum Publishers, 1961.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Considering The Present
Getting my first apartment 3. Having my two beautiful daughters 4. Becoming the Head Cake Decorator on my Job 5. Returning to school Each of these experiences has had an amazing impact on my life in one way or another. Graduating from high school was a big deal for me as well as my family. I was the first of my grandmother's grandkids to graduate from high school. After graduating from high school I worked hard and paid to rent my first apartment.Having my own space and becoming independent was something I have always wanted because I had to share everything growing up. I have two beautiful daughters whom have changed my life for the best. Before having the girls I was a party animal. They have slowed me down and made me realize what Is Important in life. I have always liked to design things growing up. Becoming a head cake decorator has allowed me to show my creativity and provide for my family, Last, but not least returning back to school to further my education has been a goal tha t I have always anted to accomplish.Obtaining my degree from Gifford will help me to provide an even better lifestyle for my daughters. When I graduated from high school, I was so proud of myself. I accomplished something that none of my grandmothers grandkids had ever done. Getting my own apartment taught me how to be a strong individual. I worked hard and maintained my own space which some young ladies at the age of 19 couldn't do. Having my kids was the best thing that ever happened to me. It taught me how to love unconditionally and genuinely.I felt great that I had a home of my own to raise them in. Becoming head cake decorator was a goal that I accomplished that was really unexpected. I was the backup cake decorator. When the head decorator took a higher paying Job she nominated me to take her space which was a great accomplishment. Returning back to school has been one of my biggest dreams and I am overwhelmed with happiness on how well I am doing after being out of school fo r over ten years. In my first class I finished with a B I great for and proud to be a student at Gifford university. Considering The Present In childhood and throughout our lives we live, we love, and we learn. These learning experiences can be either positive or negative and they can quickly be forgotten or can stay with us forever. Throughout my lifetime I have gone through my fair share of both positive and negative experiences. It is through these experiences that I have become the woman I am today. Two of these positive experiences that I have gone through in the course of my life that have played the largest part in the woman I am today are; the birth of my first son and getting clean and sober.Both of these experiences came with a variety of mixed emotions in the beginning but in the end were very rewarding. I can still remember the day the doctors told me I was pregnant. That immediate sense of fear swallowed me whole and time seemed to stand still. It was not until a couple of months later that I realized there was no changing the situation and that I needed to make the very best of it. Finding out I was pregnant started out as a very scary experience but ultimately was one of the most positive and rewarding experiences I have ever endured.After the fear settled a little bit I was able to really start thinking about my life and what I needed to change. Up until that day at the doctors I was living day by day doing what I needed to do for me and no one else. I had no job, I was living with my parents and my only source of excitement came from the local bar rooms late at night. I knew things needed to change and I set out on a mission to make that change happen. Alone and afraid I was able to swallow my pride and ask my family for help and the guidance to get my life back on track before this baby entered our world.All through my pregnancy I knew I loved my unborn son more than I have ever loved anything in this world. I knew that my life was no longer mine rather it was my son and I’s and that I needed to be the very best parent I could be. Although I was not able to find a real job I was babysitting for other family members and earning my own money. I was able to buy almost everything that was needed for my unborn son all on my own. Two months before I was due to give birth I finally got my own apartment. I was starting to feel like my own person and I was not so scared anymore.Kaidon Douglas Bishop entered this world on July 26th, 2005. It is a day that I will never forget. That immediate feeling of unconditional love overwhelmed me. This little boy had changed my life forever and for the first time in my life I felt like I did something right and I had a reason to live the right way. I chose this experience to discuss first because I believe it has had the most profound impact on my life and the person I am today. Finding out I was pregnant was a huge eye opener and motivator.There has been no other experience in my life that has made me as happy and satisfied as this one. The second experience I have chosen to discuss is my journey through addiction and into sobriety. This is yet another experience that has had a lasting impression on my life. At about the age of 16 I went through some very hard times and rather than deal with all the feelings and emotions that came with those difficulties I turned to drugs to bury those feelings. Things quickly escalated and in only a few short months my life was turned completely upside down.My drug addiction was the only thing in my life that mattered and I did not care about anything except my next high and where it was coming from. The ages of 16 through 21 were by far the worst years of my life. My addiction to opiates was running my life. Throughout the five years of my addiction I did several stints in and out of County jails, State prisons and rehabs. When I was not in one of those places I was homeless, bouncing around from drug house to drug house when I could and sleeping on the streets when I had no other option.My final rock bottom was when my own family had completely shut me out of thei r lives. It was at this point I knew that something had to change and I needed to get help. I had nothing and nobody and it was a very lonely time for me. I began making phone calls to substance abuse programs all over New York State hoping and praying that somebody would want to help. I was finally accepted into a suboxone program for opiate addiction and once again had someone on my side. Slowly I was able to completely get off from the heroin and pain killers and regain some sense of control.I understand that this sounds like a very negative experience but I have chosen it as one of the more significant experiences in my life because the outcome was so positive and rewarding and to this day affects my everyday life and decisions. Once I was clean and my family saw my progress I was accepted back in to open arms and a boat load of support. I doubt highly I would have ever been able to beat this addiction and get my life back without the help of my family. This experience not only taught me t he value of family but that persistence and working hard to get something you really want does pay off.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Is Electoral Participation Necessary For Political...
Democracy is the rule of the people, therefore, for it to be at its full potential, citizens must participate in the decision-making process. However, for a large part of the public, political participation does not go beyond electoral participation. Nonetheless, even the most common form of political engagement, namely voting, is in decline (Whiteley, 2012, pp.37-38). Although electoral participation is not the ultimate measure of political participation, it is one of the most significant and easiest to measure. Besides voting, there are numerous ways of getting involved in politics, such as signing a petition, joining a protest or even contacting an MP. Yet a minority of citizens in Great Britain does exercise their right to influence politicians on policy-making, albeit the number of those who are engaged in politics is generally decreasing. According to Whiteley (2012, p.35) petitions are the second most common form of political participation because of the wide range of their extent – from local to national. However, with a number of websites devoted to signing petitions only, it is now easier to just click on issues that matter to citizens. Regardless of the ease of signing a petition, their efficacy can be argued to be very minimal. Amongst tens thousands of petitions on a government website, Parliament responded to or debated on only a small fraction of them. Often these initiatives are rejected on a basis of being recently discussed in Parliament or duplication ofShow MoreRela tedElectoral Systems : The Miracle On The Han River Essay959 Words  | 4 Pages Electoral Systems: The Miracle on the Han River Elections form essential determinants of the democratic levels in any states. Experience has increasingly suggested that the developments of electoral systems that conduct election activities in isolation from the broader political contests are contributing factors to any prevailing political problem that requires democratic solutions. The phrase â€Å"miracle on the Han River†describes the rapid economic development of South Korea from the 1960s onwardsRead MoreIs The Uk Really A Democracy? Essay1356 Words  | 6 Pagesa very popular system of government; In a democratic government, everyone is under the â€Å"rule of law†, people have the power to devise laws and decide how they want to be ruled. Different political scientists have come to a conclusion that without the four basic principles; Free elections,Political participation, Civil liberties and a Functioning government, a country cannot be called a democracy ( There are two mai n types of democracy, the direct democracy and the indirectRead MoreDemocracy Requires Participation Essay1021 Words  | 5 Pagesautocratic and simply takes the law into his or her own hands, but rather that each citizen has the responsibility to actively participate in this large-scale experiment known as American Democracy. Therefore, the problem of declining voter participation is a serious one indeed. Several reasons for this enigmatic conundrum of voter apathy have become apparent in recent years. In many presidential elections, numerous Americans have found themselves compromising their views and voting not forRead MoreWomen And Women s Political Status1632 Words  | 7 Pagesgendered occupation. 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Some of the achievements of the act included the elimination of legislations that promotedRead MoreInfluence of Compulsory Voting1626 Words  | 7 Pagescountry, should pass a policy of compulsory voting would be against the very foundation of freedom that defines a democratic state. It brings to mind three questions with it, is voting a right or duty, does it change the level of intelligent political participation, and does the compulsion goes against all that is democracy? Voting: Right or Duty? The question of whether voting should be a right or duty is a question that is integral to answering whether voting should be mandatory. To make voting mandatoryRead MoreEssay on America Needs Voting Reform832 Words  | 4 Pagesinto the new millennium. Voting reforms are necessary to inspire political participation for other modifications and adjustments needed in areas such as health care, education, and Social Security, all which we as young people will face in the future. Participation in elections is necessary to facilitate and enable progress, but our present day system of voting is expiring by frustrated Americans. Past elections have proven that our current electoral system is insufficient and an alternative isRead MoreGiven The Increasing Decline In Turnout For Elections,1477 Words  | 6 Pagesvoting should be introduced in the UK and other advanced democracies. Proponents of compulsory voting would argue that voting is a civic duty, similar to paying tax or serving on a jury. They would also contend that it would lead to increased political participation and engagement and that parliament would become more truly representative and considerate of the whole electorate. Opponents, on the other hand, would mainly argue that making voting compulsory would be an infringement on the rights of theRead MoreCorrelation Between Rural Poverty And Voting1424 Words  | 6 Pagesanalysis of rural/poverty and its implications on voter turnout can be summarized in two conclusions. First, there is a positive correlation between poverty and aspects of electoral participation, this includes, but is not l imited to voting, attending community meetings and contact informal leaders. Poverty is positive for political activing before, during and after elections. This is significant because, in terms of local community and municipal elections (attending community meeting, contacting informalRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1546 Words  | 7 PagesNepal In 2008, post the major changes in law in Nepal, which mandated that at least 33% of electoral Candidates overall were to be women, the country became the first in Asia to pass the 30% mark for women parliamentarians. 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