Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Secret to Illustrated Essay Samples
The Secret to Illustrated Essay Samples Illustrated Essay Samples: the Ultimate Convenience! Such personal aspect can be an exceptional person, an important location, or an important object. Put simply, it illustrates or demonstrates an idea or something regarding the topic through the usage of examples. Just like many enslaved individuals, her thoughts, feelings and emotions weren't documented. From time to time, the best method to learn and understand new information is via seeing and understanding work which is already completed. Main source refers to any work that may be retrieved originally. Another form of instances that's being used is a particular kind of examples. Any information that will make a credible image for your interviewee will be critical. Normal examples have the ability to give an instance of a typical experience that lots of people had. Essay writing differs for everybody. These essays usually start with a thesis statement that gives you an overall sign of the reason supporting the paper. Writing an essay is a critical role in academe life. It is made of five basic steps. Your paragraphs do not connect one another's meaning in addition to the full thought of your essay may be incomprehensible. With what has been gathered, somebody may then compose a comprehensive essay concerning the exchange. Keep on writing what it is that you're likely to share with the reader, and supply reasons for selecting a specific topic. Dedicate a while to writing an in depth essay outline to support the whole process. Just ensure that it is something which you require, not just something that you want in the brief term. If you are thinking about purchasing an item you will still have next calendar year, think about pulling out the card but you need to be careful. Making something into a habit can take some moment, and that time can be hard. Another illustration may be a student who sought treatment for panic attacks because she felt pressured to keep a high GPA to be able to continue to keep her scholarship. Sports Illustrated Magazine is among the most successfu l and well-known sports magazine on earth. Explain how playing sports are able to help you achieve academically. Music practice and the methods to have it organized. What You Need to Do About Illustrated Essay Samples Hearing impairment is likewise an inconsistent disability. Stem cell research is crucial to advancement in medicine and treatment of several diseases and conditions. Students should develop decent study habits if they are supposed to reach their whole potential in any course or degree. The Downside Risk of Illustrated Essay Samples You have to support every argument in your illustration essay to produce the reader believe you're competent in the discipline of your study. An illustration essay is the type of paper where the author would use various examples to demonstrate his place in the paper. The format which you use for your descriptive essay is very similar to most other essay too many students neglect this step and they have a tendency to forget importan t pieces of. Much as with other varieties of essays, this paper often starts with a thesis statement that delivers the big general theme to the work and supplies guidance on what should be expected by means of a reader. An essay is a part of composing that is established to show a single point. It is a piece of writing that is developed to prove one single point. Illustration essay is here in order to prove a specific thing exists. Essay writing is normally practiced is schools. There are lots of tactics to find the info needed for your essay. There are scores and scores of various channels on the internet that dwell upon particular topics which may be linked to the creation of your essay. Biology essay topics must be detailed so they can be differentiated from other sorts of papers. A key element to keep in mind while writing biology papers is always to get a biology essay draft that will help you all through the writing process. There's no ideal solution on the best way to compose an effective essay. The biology essay introduction is the vital portion of the short article, because it will determine whether the readers may want to read more of the piece or not. When the essay on biology was written, a revision is vital to make sure the content is in order.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
How Economists Define the Revelation Principle
The revelation principle of economics is that truth-telling, direct revelation mechanisms can generally be designed to achieve the Bayesian Nash equilibrium outcome of other mechanisms; this can be proven in a large category of mechanism design cases. Put into other words, the revelation principle holds that there is a payoff-equivalent revelation mechanism that possesses an equilibrium in which players truthfully report their types to any Bayesian game. Game Theory: Bayesian Games and Nash Equilibrium A Bayesian game has the most relevance in the study of economic game theory, which is essentially the study of strategic decision-making. A Bayesian game in one in which the information about the characteristics of the players, otherwise known as the players payoffs, is incomplete. This incompleteness of information means that in a Bayesian game, at least one of the players is uncertain of the type of another player or players. In a non-Bayesian game, a strategic model is considered an if every strategy in that profile is the best response or the strategy that produces the most favorable outcome, to every other strategy in the profile. Or in other words, a strategic model is considered a Nash equilibrium if there exists no other strategy that a player could employ that would produce a better payoff given all the strategies are chosen by the other players. A Bayesian Nash equilibrium, then, extends the principles of the Nash equilibrium to the context of a Bayesian game which has incomplete information. In a Bayesian game, Bayesian Nash equilibrium is found when each type of player employs a strategy that maximizes the expected payoff given the actions of all the types of other players and that players beliefs about the types of the other players. Lets see how the revelation principle plays into these concepts. Revelation Principle in Bayesian Modelling The revelation principle is relevant to a modeling (that is, theoretical) context when there exists: two players (usually firms)a third party (usually the government) managing a mechanism to achieve a desirable social outcomeincomplete information (in particular, the players have types that are hidden from the other player and from the government) Generally, a direct revelation mechanism (in which telling the truth is a Nash equilibrium outcome) can be proven to exist and be equivalent to any other mechanism available to the government. In this context, a direct revelation mechanism is one in which the strategies are just the types a player can reveal about himself. And is it the fact that this outcome can exist and be equivalent to other mechanisms that comprise the revelation principle. The revelation principle is used most often to prove something about the whole class of mechanism equilibria, by selecting the simple direct revelation mechanism, proving a result about that, and applying the revelation principle to assert that the result is true for all mechanisms in that context.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay about Therapy, Not Punishment - 843 Words
Therapy, Not Punishment Problems with crime have always been a concern to society. There are many different ideas about what causes it and even more ideas about how to stop it. Dr. Karl Menninger believes that our current prison system is not adequately addressing the motivation behind crime. In his article Therapy, Not Punishment, Menninger says of the old prison system, In its place should go a quiet, dignified, therapeutic programÉ (544). He sets forth the claim of policy that criminals need to be treated with professional therapy. I dont think an introduction could be more clear than this. Menningers ideas are directed toward a wide audience of generally law-abiding citizens. This article first appeared in Harpers†¦show more content†¦The prison sentence is carried out for a specified number of years, and then the criminal is returned to society whether a change has been made or not. By showing the failure of our prison system to deter crime, Menninger opens the reader to his suggestions on how the system should be changed.This paragraph incorporates adequate detail to demonstrate Cedrics understanding of the text, but does not get overly lengthy nor does he begin summarizing. Menningers vision for the penal system is that all convicted criminals would be treated as legally insane. Instead of a fixed prison sentence, psychiatrists would treat criminals until they no longer posed any threat to society. To support this claim, he mentions two separate reports from 1917 and 1933. The first is the Wickersham report of the New York State Prison Survey Committee which recommended the abolition of jails, the institution of diagnostic clearing houses or classification centers, the development of a diversified institutional system and treatment program, and the use of indeterminate sentencing (539). The American Psychiatric Association, the American Bar Association, and the American Medical Association also recommended psychiatric treatment of criminals. These reports serve to show that Menningers ideas are not brand new and add credibility to his arguments. Menninger draws further support from scientific methods of treating psychiatric patients, criminal or not. He states, IfShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast the Main Principles in Any Two of the Following Psychological Therapies: Psychoanalysis, Behaviour Therapy, Cognitive Therapy or Humanistic Therapy.1526 Words  | 7 Pagesthrough two main ways: Medication therapy and Psychological therapies. The ratio is 2:1 preference psychological therapy and medication therapy, when people seeking treatment for common psychological health problems. It can be seen that people are more willing to choose psychological therapies to treat their problems. The psychological therapies including: psychodynamic therapy, behavior therapy, humanistic therapy, cognitive therapy, systemic and family therapies. (Kate Cavanagh(lecture), 2012) Read MoreBehavior Analysis, Health Care Professionals, And Psychologists883 Words  | 4 PagesPunishment vs Reinforcement Behavior analysis, health care professionals, and psychologists require competent procedures to find responses to relevant questions and to stay current with scientific literature. Behavior analyses use the best research that is evidence-based that supports clinical expertise and patient values (Walker, 2007). It makes significant differences in how effective more or less interventions are with clients, their families and society (Slocum, 2012). Clients deserve the bestRead MoreBehavioral Therapy : Skinner And Albert Bandura Essay1211 Words  | 5 PagesBehavior Therapy can be described as the study of observed behaviors with regards to what causes those behavior, changes which occur through learned experience, and treatment plans that are specified for the client. â€Å"Anxiety disorders, depression, posttrumatic stress disorders, substance abuse, eating and weight disorders, sexual problems, pain management, and hypertension have all been successfully treated using this appro ach†(Wilson,2011). Behavioral therapy is used with clients who may haveRead MoreThe Prevention of Crime801 Words  | 4 Pagesunderstand how to prevent crime we must look at the reasons crime occurs. Crime by definition is â€Å"the act or commission of an act that is forbidden, or the omission of that duty that is commanded by public law and that makes the offender liable to punishment by that law. The prevention of crime takes many shapes in order to be effective. We will evaluate what some of these steps are, to establish a basis for prevention of crime. In law enforcement crime prevention takes its most important stand. CrimeRead MoreThe Theories Of Behaviorist Theory1116 Words  | 5 Pagesthe conditioned response. An example of this is when someone has been bitten by a dog, they then become afraid of dogs. Classical conditioning is most often used in therapy to help individuals overcome anxiety, phobias, and drug addiction (Cherry, n.d.) Specific forms of therapy using classical conditioning are: aversion therapy, systematic desensitization, and flooding (â€Å"Basic Principles,†2014). Operant Conditioning Operant conditioning is a continuation of the behaviorism theory of JohnRead MoreCompartive Legal Systems Canada vs Usa1691 Words  | 7 PagesDominance over United States Penal System Name: Shenthuran Vijayananthan Teacher: Mrs. Merenda Due Date: Wed. Oct. 26, 2005 Topic: #1 Ââ€" Comparative Legal Systems (Canada vs. USA) Thesis: Canadas criminal justice system, specifically laws dealing with punishment, is far superior to that of the United States Canada and the United States of America are two neighboring countries who besides the border share numerous other key aspects. Though similar in beliefs and culture the two countries are far from alikeRead MoreSex Offenders: To Castrate or Not To Castrate Essay1104 Words  | 5 Pagessupported by extensive research, shows combining both castration with other types of treatment greatly decreases recidivism risks. One study looked at the recidivism rates of twenty-four men; all were combining chemical castration and another form of therapy. Out of the twenty-four men who started the study only one participant committed a violent sex crime two and a half years later. The crime was committed after the participant withdrew from all forms of treatment. (Rice, and Harris, 2011). One otherRead MorePunishment vs Rehabilitation1661 Words  | 7 PagesPunishment vs. Rehabilitation Helen Olko October 1, 2012 Abstract The expectations that our society has for the criminal justice system is to punish and rehabilitate individuals who commit crime. Punishment and rehabilitation are also two of the four acknowledged objectives of the criminal justice system, with deterrence and incapacitation being the others. In the United States, punishment has always been the primary goal to achieve when dealingRead MoreUtilitarian Vs. Utilitarian Theory1560 Words  | 7 Pagesjustice model believe that the sentence of an offender should be based on what is good for society whether that is imprisonment, rehabilitation, or to serve as deterrence. This is a â€Å"forward looking†model unlike the retributive justice model. The punishment in this model has to be larger than the advantages of committing this crime (Banks, 2013). The utilitarian model seeks to prevent the crime from occurring by becoming a deterrent effect. Procedural The procedural process for the utilitarian modelRead MoreUtilitarian Theory of Punishment in the Criminal Justice System763 Words  | 4 PagesThere is an ongoing problem in our society regarding punishment and responsibility. We, as a society, tend to look away when it comes to how criminals are being punished and maybe we should be paying more attention. Violence seems to be an integral part of our society, some raise their children with violence, we watch it on television, read it in newspapers and books and now we are even playing violent video games. When it comes to the judicial system the majority of citizens do not even know how
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Social Structures And Stressors Can Increase The...
Directed Study in Criminal Justice- CRIJ 5314 Arleen J. Ramos Tarleton State University Question 1 Strain theory states that various social structures or stressors can increase the likelihood of a person to resort to criminal activities. The strains increase the negative emotions of an individual such as frustration and anger, which create the pressure to seek corrective action and therefore crime may be seen as a possible solution to ease the pressure (Bao, Haas, Chen, Pi, 2012). When a person uses crime to ease the pressure that has been brought about by strain theories, he or she is trying to escape from the source of the strain, seek revenge, or alleviate the negative emotions that he or she feels. For instance, a young†¦show more content†¦For instance, the theory points out that the society normally exerts pressure on individuals to achieve the socially accepted goals such as being wealthy, even though most people may not have the means to achieve such a status. It provides a strain, and it can lead people to commit crimes such as selling drugs or become corrupt to gain financial security. The strains are either structural or individual. Structural strains normally refer to the processes that are at the societal level, and which filter down and affect the way a person perceives his or her needs (Rovai, Baker, Ponton, 2013). On the other hand, individual strains normally refer to the frictions and pains that are experienced by an individual when he or she is trying to satisfy his or her needs. In this theory, it normally focuses on strains that involve the inability of a person to achieve monetary success. However, during the 1970s and 1980s, the use of the classic theory began to decline as research began to challenge its validity in explaining criminal activities. Not all crimes can be explained using Merton?s theory, for instance, when a person is involved in vandalism, one cannot state that he was in pursuit of material acquisition. The General Strain Theory (GST) is both a sociology and criminology theory that was developed by Robert Agnew in 1992. It states that people who experience strain or stress become distressed or even upset and it may lead them to commit crimes so as toShow MoreRelatedCrime And Its Effects On Society s Life Sentence Without A Non Parole Period1402 Words  | 6 Pageslife sentence without a non-parole period (R v Harris [2000] NSWCCA 469) Morton and Lobez (2009). Findings from Brown, Esbensen and Geis (1991) show that strain theories operate from the view that certain strains or stressors are influential, that is, they can increase the likelihood of crime occurring. The assumption is that, individuals have goals, however, under this theory; the strains make it almost impossible for these goals to be achieved Brown, Esbensen and Geis (1991). Durkheim (1951) arguedRead MoreThe Pattern Of Juvenile Delinquency Is Strain Theory1156 Words  | 5 Pagestheory of Strain to describe how social structures within society may pressure citizens (low socioeconomic status) to commit crimes. Merton felt that too much pressure to achieve goals, such as financial well-being, led to behaviors such as selling drugs. Merton’s theory relates to juvenile delinquency in that adolescents might experience overwhelming stress or pressure in their peer groups to have more money, to fit in, or to be influential. These social stressors will perpetuate delinquenc y becauseRead MoreCultural Differences Vs And Robert Mertons Strain Theory1433 Words  | 6 Pagespressure on individuals to achieve socially accepted goals though they lack the means. He says there are two things based on societys perspective that a person needs to meet to be successful which are the goals and the means. The goals are something people strive to reach like money, material goods and social status. The means are what a person can do to reach the goals. Means are hard work, education and steady employment. The lack of means leads to strain which may or may not lead the individualsRead MoreChildren Of Poverty And Poverty1722 Words  | 7 Pagesregion, age, specific distinctions within the population, prevalence, number of people National The statistics of children living in poverty are at elevated quantities. Nationally, around one in five children are living in poverty (Raphel, 2014). Social Services (2015), specifies that 21.6% of the United States’ children were living in poverty in 2013. State According to the United States census, 22.1% of California’s children were living in poverty in 2013. Local In 2014/15, 49.0% (243,432) ofRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Essay4334 Words  | 18 Pagesforms, it is a chronic and disabling psychiatric disorder associated with high co-morbidity and impairment of functioning. The essential feature of PSTD is the development of characteristic symptoms following exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor. This can be a direct personal experience which involves actual or threatened death or serious injury, or witnessing such an event. PTSD is defined by Comer (2002, p. 142) as an anxiety disorder in which fear and related symptoms continue to be experiencedRead MoreThe Behavioral Theory Of Psychology1614 Words  | 7 Pageschange in behaviour is based on experience. For example, when a person goes to the doctor to get an injection and the doctor says â€Å"Don’t worry, this won’t hurt†and then gives the patient the most painful injection their ever had. Then another time that same patient goes to the denti st for a check-up and the dentist starts to examine his teeth and says â€Å"Don’t worry, this won’t hurt†Even though this check-up might not be painful the patient can refuse the check up because the words become a conditionedRead MoreThe Affects of Workplace Change and Stress1597 Words  | 7 Pagesresistance to that inevitability and stress as a byproduct. The tactics individuals and leaders adopt can cause harmful consequences if not managed with sensitivity and awareness. Change can be threatening for those experiencing job insecurity (Robbins Judge, 2007) or develop teams and co-workers that act at cross-purposes (Huy Mintzbereg, 2003). Change can be a source of stress, but so can workload, leadership styles, and the shuffling of roles and responsibilities (Cooper, 2006). ManagementRead MoreThe Number Of Juveniles Committing Crimes1745 Words  | 7 Pagescrimes seems to be decreasing every year, but the numbers are still high and police force can ’t seem to figure out what the problem is. Though no one answer can tell people why numbers are going up, researchers are determine to figure out what may be the root of the issue. It has been stated by many studies that the environment a child comes from can determine whether they will become a criminal. There are 3 main categories that have been discussed that researchers believe may affect the way a juvenileRead MoreHuman Resource Management Interventions: Career Planning and Development, Workforce Diversity, and Employee Stress and Wellness.4744 Words  | 19 PagesBY T V SAMRAT GUPTA SEC- SF4 Roll no: 58 ISBE-A/SS (2010-12) Contents INTRODUCTION 3 CARRIER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT INTERVENTIONS 3 CAREER STAGES 4 CAREER PLANNING 6 CAREER DEVELOPMENT 8 CARRIER DEVELOPMENT INTERVENTIONS 9 ROLE AND STRUCTURE INTERVENTION 11 Individual employee development 12 Individual employee development 13 PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK AND COACHING 13 Workforce diversity interventions 14 A GENERAL FRAMEWORK FOR MANAGING DIVERSITY 14 WORK DIVERSITY DIMENSIONS AND INTERVENTIONSRead More Schizophrenia: A Possible Etiology?1590 Words  | 7 Pages nearly 20% of the US population may suffer from a diagnosable mental illness in any given six month period (1991). Obviously the issue of mental health warrants close scrutiny, as such illness can translate into lost work days and lost dollars. From a health care perspective, many of those suffering can be relieved of their symptoms and return to normal life, so to speak. Schizophrenia, however represents one of the more disabling illnesses whose prognosis for the patient looks poor. Affecting
Drive a Car, Not a Cell Phone Essay - 1898 Words
â€Å"When a driver ‘talks and drives’ they are not only putting themselves at risk, they are also putting everyone around them in a dangerous situation†(ComparisonMarket.com). A study conducted last year by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, had cameras placed inside one hundred cars and trucks to track drivers activities before a dangerous event occurred. Research shows users of cell phones while driving caused far more crashes and near misses than non-users. These statistics do not change even if the hand held device becomes hands free by means of a blue tooth or speaker phone. Hands-free cell phones may allow the driver to keep both hands on the wheel however, devices such as headsets or voice activated dialing led to longer†¦show more content†¦A few of the test subjects even rear-ended the pace car. The drunken test subjects were a little slower than those on hand held devices and drove more aggressively. These test subjects followed the pace car much more closely and braked on average only four seconds before a collision would occur, hitting their brakes with more force. Neither accident rates, nor reaction times to the pace car braking, nor recovery of the lost speed differed significantly from the undistracted drivers. Proving though the drunk drivers followed too close and reacted too slowly these drivers were adept at avoiding an actual collision and driving smoothly in regards to speed, while the distracted drivers with hand held devices were affected in all areas of testing. These studies have led many to argue for legislation to ban hand held device usage in vehicles. Distracted driving fatalities caused by hand held usage has risen in recent years by twenty eight percent researchers say. Inattentive drivers are estimated to cause twenty to fifty percent of all police reported crashes; distracted drivers, a sub-category of inattentive drivers, has been individually estimated up to thirteen percent of these crashes. Many raise the objection of passenger conversation being just as distracting as hand heldShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Solution to Texting and Driving1145 Words  | 5 Pagesusing mobile devices. The problem is that numerous people tend to do so at bad times. For example, while one is driving, it is common to look down at the cell phone to send a short text message that could put their lives in harm. Across the nation, numerous advertising and support groups are spreading the word to encourage society to put phones down and focus on driving instead of texting. However, it really hasn’t stopped. There needs to be a signific ant change and with the way technology is advancingRead MoreIs Inattentional Blindness So Different Between The Two Tasks?1040 Words  | 5 Pagesit was a strong mental image. I still think about it some days when I pick up my phone. That image got me to stop texting and driving for quote a bit of time. Despite his best efforts I still do use my phone and drive. Most people seem to fall into the same trap, but can we text and drive safely? According to David L. Strayer and Frank A. Drews research, no. It’s estimated that 100 million drives use a phone and drive. Yet people are not distracted as much by the radio, or audio books, why? The researchersRead MoreThe Effects Of Technology On The World1130 Words  | 5 PagesThere are many dangers in the world. 33,561 fatal car accidents occurred in 2012; 3,328 of these deaths were due to texting and driving.421,000 people were injured in automobile accidents due to distracted driving. Many people believe that it is safer to d rive a car than fly in an air plane, ironically statistics show that cars are much more dangerous. Prior to modern day technology drivers were distracted by passengers, drinking, music, make up, talk shows, lighting cigarettes, or eating. RecentlyRead MoreCell Phones While Driving Essay642 Words  | 3 PagesCell Phones and Driving In today’s society we’ve all become attached to our cell phones. Cell phones make our lives easier in many ways we can check our email, receive phone calls, send text messages, listen to music, and take pictures, all at our finger tips. With all this convenience, however there is a dangerous side to cell phones, and that’s when we use them while driving. Most of us are guilty of using cell phones while driving, but have we ever thought about its danger? Five states plusRead MoreTexting While Driving, Deadly Or Not?1416 Words  | 6 PagesFleser Mrs.Ford English 6 28 January 2015 Texting While Driving,Deadly Or Not? There are approximately 11 teen deaths each day because of texting and driving. It is clear that if people would stop texting, talking or using other apps on their phones while driving , then there would be fewer accidents. The number of teens dying from being injured has skyrocketed as a result of texting while driving. It is estimated that there are over three thousand teen deaths and three hundred thousand injuriesRead MoreAdvertising On Not Be Drinking And Driving960 Words  | 4 Pagesthat says â€Å"Drive sober or get pulled over†, meanwhile a cop is putting a man behind bars for driving while intoxicated. As you’re driving down the highway on your way to work, you see a bulletin board with the same phrase, â€Å"Drive sober or get pulled over.†It is a constant reminder that you’re given and the consequences are severe. High schools around the nation created something called â€Å"Shattered dreams†. It involves a play with voluntary students from the school who drink and drive only to getRead MoreTexting And Driving Is Wrong921 Words  | 4 Pagesthe deviant behavior and mindset towards texting and driving. When you text and drive you are knowingly taking a risk of an accident because of how texting distracts a person from driving properly. Texting and driving is when you use your phone while operating a motor vehicle. When making this choice to do this, drivers often: drift off to the sides of roads, run stop signals, run into another car, etc. Using your phone any kind of way is distracting because you are taking your eyes off the road,Read MoreTexting While Driving (Speech) Essay1220 Words  | 5 Pagesmobile phone, making adjustments to the radio, talking with passengers -- all take a drivers focus off of the road. Imagine this, its a beautiful day for a drive, the sun is out, windows rolled down, the music in on softly, just a perfect day. Then you look down at your cell-phone, just briefly, quick enough to remove your eyes from the road, then you BAM you made an accident!! How many of you have cell phones? How many of you drive? Honestly, how many of you use your cell phone and driveRead More Cell Phones And Driving: Dangers Involved with Cell Phone Use While Driving1036 Words  | 5 Pagesoften. Talking on the cell phone and driving has become a very popular thing these days. Technology is coming out with the newest phones that can do everything for you and people are attracted to that. There are people that don’t have hands free and drive their car with only one hand, people that text and totally take their eye off the road and type conversations to each other. Bluetooth is another technological breakthrough where you wear an ear piece and can receive phone calls by one touch ofRead MoreCell Phone Use While Driving1503 Words  | 7 Pagesbe causing the driver to drive so erratically. Is the driver drunk? Is the driver preoccupied with eating his or her lunch? Is the driver busy attending children in the backseat? Once you pull along the side you realize that was not the case, instead you notice the driver has a cellular telephone up to her or his ear chatting away, or even worse you pass and see the driver holding a phone texting, you pass by and you feel so discussed.†(Noder, Shannon L., 2010) Cell phones are among the most popular
Industry Analysis
Question: Analyse the electric operated vehicles sector in order to determine the feasibility of entering into the new industry. Discuss the size of industry, and the value factors affecting b2b business environment. Answer: Introduction Intel is the largest manufacturer of semi conductors in the world. The business model adopted by Intel is based on business to business (B2B) i.e. it sells its products primarily to other computer manufacturing companies. However, the management of the company has decided that it would enter into the battery operated vehicle segment as a part of its strategy to increase revenues and diversify business (Grosjean et al. 2012). Therefore, the purpose of this report is to undertake the analysis of electric operated vehicles sector in order to determine the feasibility of entering into the new industry. The report also discusses the size of industry, and the value factors affecting b2b business environment. In addition, the report also undertakes the analysis of key competitors and customer buyer relationships in order to successfully develop marketing plan. Further, the report has also discussed about the future growth potential of the company through forecasting techniques followed by a brief implementation plan. Electric vehicle industry Electric car manufacturing industry is in nascent stage, the industry comprises of various companies that manufactures electric vehicles, superchargers, and other spare parts specific to the need of the industry. Intel as a part of its growth strategy has decided to enter into the electric car manufacturing industry to develop high-end vehicles systems that would be marketed primarily to other business and organizations (Carley et al. 2013). Electric vehicle industry is expected to grow at a rate in next decade and by 2026 it is furcated that the industry would comprise 12% of the overall automobile industry. Currently, Tesla motors have 70 % market share in the electric vehicle segment, but with the entry of major automobile industry such as Ford, Hyundai, BMW, etc. the industry is experiencing greater investment and growth. Intel to establish would require strategies such as product differentiation or cost leadership. Competitor analysis A through competitor analysis for Intels new business plan would be completed by undertaking following steps discussed below Competitor Identification: The major players in the electric car manufacturing industry are Tesla Motors, Toyota Prius, Toyota Rav4 Hybrid, Chevrolet Volt, Zapworld, smart cars, etc. Competitor analysis is a crucial component of industry analysis as it provides information about the industry in which Intel is planning to operate i.e. electric vehicle manufacturing segment. Strengths of Competitors Weaknesses of Competitors Most of the competitors of Intel are well established automobile manufactures Economies of scale Large production capabilities Better inventory management and supplier relations Due to first mover advantage and brand equity among the customers competitors have greater market share that Intel would have to chip in to establish itself in the industry. Over dependence on gasoline operated cars to maintain and develop market share Moved into the electric vehicle to mark their presence in the industry Lack of desired level of investment in Research and Development activities exception being Tesla Motor Therefore, it is evident from the above analysis of competitors that Intel would have to heavily invest in research and development activities, devise better supply chain capabilities and also in marketing communications to spread awareness about the brand and create positive image in the market (Calabrese 2012). Customers Customers are very crucial factor that need to be considered before developing a marketing plan as it is the customers for whom the company produces or manufactures its products. For Intels battery operated vehicle segment would be the government (Wesseling et al. 2014). Key business consumers The main customers can be primarily consists of three broad sectors as Government: Intel aims at selling its electric vehicles to government as the company plans to capitalize on government commitment to support and implement environmentally vehicles. Commercial enterprises: Intel can also sell its vehicles to other commercial organization that can market its vehicle to different markets and to different end users. Since Intel would require huge investments to implement its own supply chain to meet the demands of the various customers that are geographically spread, selling its products to commercial enterprise would enable the company to enter into different markets more conveniently. Environmental analysis Environmental analysis is a strategic tool that enables to identify various internal and external elements that affects business operation of an organization discussed as PESTLE analysis Political factors: The political factors affecting the business preposition of Intel to manufacture and market electric cars are positive as the Australian government is committed to generate employment in the country. In addition, the proposed business is expected to bring Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the country and with successful implementation of business plan would be a source of revenue generation for the country (Afroditi et al. 2014). Economic factors: For Intel to foray into the battery operated vehicle segment, this an appropriate time as the company would be benefited by various firefighting approach adopted by government to stabilize the economy such as lower interest rates, special economic zones and other infrastructural support and also the fast pace of economic growth (Al-Alawi and Bradley 2013). Social factors: The standard of living in the Australian population is high and people are well educated. In addition, automotive vehicles are seen as necessity rather than luxury, therefore, it can be inferred that the social factors would contribute positively for the development of electric cars by Intel (Hamilton and Webster 2015). Technological factors: Intel can have an upper hand in the industry as the company is known for providing cutting-edge technology to its customers. Additionally, the company has an opportunity to establish itself in the market as the concept of electric cars is still in development stage and Intel with its drive for innovation can dominate this segment (Moritz et al. 2015). Legal factors:. The various laws that needs to be complied are environment protection law, privacy laws, employee protection act, workers health and safety, anti discrimination laws, etc. (Hollensen 2015). Environmental factors: Intel is in favorable position as it plans to manufacture and market battery operated vehicles that runs on cleaner energy as opposed to gasoline operated vehicles that emits pollutants and degrades the environment (Vitali 2012). Porters five forces Porters five forces is a tool that enables a business to determine the level of competition in the market and overall attractiveness of the market (Ambec et al. 2013). Threat of new entrants (LOW): battery operated vehicle is in nascent stage and have fewer players. Therefore, the battery operated vehicles poses little barrier to the new entrants as no company is well established and any organization that have financial capabilities and well devised business model that can be effectively implemented by the business (Barringer 2012). Threat of substitutes (Medium): The substitutes of battery operated vehicles are many as for customers the benefits or utilities is similar whether they are using battery operated or gasoline operated vehicles. Therefore, the battery operated vehicle also faces competition from gasoline-operated vehicles and also public transport mediums (Rothaermel 2015). Bargaining power of customers (High): The customer have ultimate power that determines the success (or failure) of a business, the reason being that there are many options available for the customers to choose from. Therefore, it is customers who dictates their expectation and demands that has to be taken into consideration by any company to succeed in the market (Cuellar and Gomez 2013). Bargaining power of suppliers (Medium): Battery operated vehicle manufacturing segment is highly dependent on its suppliers as the manufacturing industry requires various components to manufacture the end product. However, this dependency is reducing as many supplier companies have entered the market and the battery operated vehicles have various options to source its parts and components (Magretta 2013). Industry rivalry (High): The battery operated vehicle industry is marked by high level of inter industry rivalry as size of this sector is relatively small and many major automobile manufacturing is trying to increase their market share by targeting the same customer groups (Upson et al.2012). Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Segmentation: In order to identify the potential customers, the company needs to segregate the target market into different categories to identify the most profitable segment of customers. Customer segmentation can be discussed in context of Intels proposed business as Macro segmentation Geographic: the buyers of electric vehicles are vastly segregated in terms of geographical distribution. The major customers of the Intel are government and private commercial enterprises that can be segment based on their geographical location or area of their operations. Customer type: the customers of electric cars can be divided as business-to- business customers that includes government agencies, institutions and other business organizations. Other customer type includes b2c customers that the company is not planning to target, as it will require developing its own chain of suppliers. Micro segmentation Purchasing criteria: b2b customers are more concerned about the value they derive from products purchased as b2b businesses involver bulk purchase of items. Other purchasing criteria that influence customers are quality and speed of service delivery, customization of products as per the unique need of the buyers, and ability of the seller to respond as per the changing demands of the customers. Purchasing strategy: electric vehicles are a newer concept in the market and Intel would require persuading its customers about the benefits that the company provides. Therefore, Intel can segment its buyers on the basis of their purchasing strategy i.e. whether they purchase items as one time purchase or systematically places their order as per their requirements. Targeting: Intel can target government agencies as its customers to take advantage of the governments commitment to move towards cleaner or greener forms of energy consumption. Apart from that large institutional customers can also be effectively targeted to take advantage of increase presence in the market and increase revenues. Positioning: is a premarketing concept that aims at creating a favorable impression of the business in the minds of the customers. Positioning of companys product can be achieved through educating the customers about the benefits of the products through seminars, conferences and other forms of presentations. Appropriate brand or product positioning enables the organization to attract more customers and creates a positive brand image of the company in the market (Fleisher and Bensoussan 2015). Growth potential and feasibility There is huge growth potential for battery operated vehicles in the near future as most of the vehicles that are running on the road today is fuelled by petroleum products (gasoline, petrol, diesel). However, the petroleum products are depleting at a rapid rate as these are non renewable sources of energy. It is predicted that by the end of 2050 petroleum products would be completely exhausted if its consumption remains at the current levels In this context, it can be said that in the future battery operated vehicles would dominate the market as they run on renewable sources of energy and does not degrade the environment (Kolios and Read 2013). Intel being one of the most reputed brands in innovation and technology sector can take advantage of the situation by developing high performing battery operated cars. Therefore, by successful development of battery vehicles and appropriate positioning and marketing can grow in this sector and increase its revenue as well as help in sustainable development of the society. There it would be profitable for the company to enter into this segment and take advantage of the opportunities present in the business environment (Aithal 2016). Implementation From the above discussion, it can be said that there is huge opportunity in the market for Intel to grow. But it would require proper implementation of the marketing plan, this can be discussed as The marking mix of the company includes product, price, place, promotion. The product of the company is the electric vehicles that has the USP of being environmentally friendly and operated by battery. The pricing is the other important marketing that affects the success of the company. Intel can adopt cost leadership strategy to by providing value added products at cheaper cost then the competitors, other pricing strategy can be price differentiation. The distribution channel of the company can be outsourced to third party service providers before the company establishes itself in the market. Promotion is the last but most important aspect of the marketing mix. The company can engage with the customers by online advertising, social media management, and sponsoring events. Other important part of implementation is the estimation of financial requirements, budget scheduling and evaluation of the current performance and taking appropriate actions in case of deviations. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that electric car industry is in growth stage and there is huge opportunity in the market that is expected to grow at the annual rate 12% and gain 20% of the overall automobile industry that can be utilized by the Intel to convert them into its own advantage. From the analysis of inter.nal and external environmental forces it is clear that the overall environment is supportive of electric car industry as petroleum products are depleting at a faster rate and the world requires such cars that can run efficiently on renewable energy sources. In addition, Intel Company has all the resources and organizational competency to manufacture and market high-end electric cars, that would be beneficial for both the company as it allows them to diversify their business and provide solution to the environment degradation by gasoline fuelled cars. References Afroditi, A., Boile, M., Theofanis, S., Sdoukopoulos, E. and Margaritis, D., 2014. Electric vehicle routing problem with industry constraints: trends and insights for future research. Transportation Research Procedia, 3, pp.452-459. Aithal, P.S., 2016. Study on ABCD Analysis Technique for Business Models, business strategies, Operating Concepts Business Systems. International Journal in Management and Social Science, 4, pp.2321-1784. Al-Alawi, B.M. and Bradley, T.H., 2013. Review of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicle market modeling studies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 21, pp.190-203. Ambec, S., Cohen, M.A., Elgie, S. and Lanoie, P., 2013. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Case Study Production &Operation Management of Supply Chain Excellence
Question: Describe about the Production and operation management of Supply Chain Excellence? Answer: Introduction There is a discussion on New Balance Athletic Shoe, Incorporation operation process, supply chain system and the new process adopted Lean Manufacturing. New Balance Athletic shoe, Inc is known as New Balance. There is a discussion about the challenged faced by New Balance workforce in managing their supply chain system, Lean manufacturing system and the benefits. The reason behind adoption of new manufacturing process i.e. Lean manufacturing process with their negative and positive effect on organization is also discussed (Chopra and Meindl, 2007). The report is having a brief explanation about the challenges faced by New Balance Company in their supply chain system and manufacturing system. There is a brief discussion on New Balance history, polices which affects their expenditure cost in comparison of their competitors. The report is having an analysis on implication of lean manufacturing process in New balance with its benefits. Background of New Balance New Balance is footwear US based company founded by William J. Railey in 1906. The market share of New Balance in US market is 12%. In footwear market New Balance is third ranked, behind Nike and Adidas (Tang, Teo and Wei, 2008). The sub brands of new balance are Dunham, PF-Flyers, Aravon, Warrior and Brine. New Balance is one of the largest seller and manufacturer of sports footwear in footwear market of US. New Balance manufactures sports products taking into consideration all customers (Carreira, 2005). New balance is a leading maker in US in sports shoes in comparison of other competitors present in sports market (Tang, Teo and Wei, 2008). New Balance other than Sports shoes manufactures many other products which are used in athletics, sports worldwide. New Balance goal is to help athletes in achieving success, set records and win medals every time. New Balance develop sports product for other customers also so that they are influenced toward healthy live. Company always focus on their customers requirement and demand for sports product. New Balance tries to deliver their customers fashionable as well as good quality product in affordable price range. New balance sports Product Company so they follow different policies regarding environment, social surrounding or society and others. They try to develop their sports product without harming environment, society and others i.e. they work in ethical manner. New balance at present time is having more than 1000 models of sports product that are manufactured outside USA and UK with a high sales rate in comparison of their competitors. In comparison of their competitors New Balance sports products are of high range but the main difference which company claim in their product is technical feature difference as they have inserted blended gel inside their shoes, heel of their sports product is comfortable for every age group people and others. There are several reasons behind unsuccessful story of New Balance in other countries in comparison to their competitors as they do not use celebrity advertising, their product line and others. On the hand New Balance competitors outsource their manufacturing process to others to cut down the cost but New Balance do not adopt outsourcing policy which affects their manufacturing cost. New Balance key operational objective As mentioned in case study the key to operation of New Balance is their workforce or employees. The main factor behind operation of New Balance is the front line workers i.e. their employees. Operation system can be improved by improving or changing the working style of workforce. New balance is follow a training policy where the new employees have to pass through initial or induction training (Greeff and Ghoshal, 2004). At the end of training process of new employees new balance analyze their team building quality. New workforces are influenced while training session to work in a group or team (Bolstorff and Rosenbaum, 2007). Every new employee is grouped with experience employees so that the new once come to know about work, roles and responsibilities easily. Initial learning process is important so that every employee before starting main jobs is aware and comfortable with work and working environment of New Balance (Slideshare.net, 2009). Initial learning process of New Balance i s beneficial for both employees as well as organization as they help New Balance to maintain process flow of communication and task distribution (Campuzano and Mula, 2011). After completing selection process New Balance organizes initial learning process for their new employees (Bisen and Srivastava, 2009). New employees are given 7 to 8 week training in which experience employees try to make them comfortable in business environment. The main aim of New Balance for organizing this initial learning is to motivate team work within organization. Other than team based work reward system also help New Balance management in motivating their employees (Bolstorff and Rosenbaum, 2007). As mentioned in case study New Balance used to follow hourly based wages system but few years later adopted team based piece rate system due to which company has to face several problems in production and employees team work (Bhadur, 2008). After analyzing the problem faced by their employees, New Balance agai n adopted hourly based wage system. Hourly wage systems help organization in motivating individual employees for improving their performance (Lan and Unhelkar, 2006). New balance organized training in initial face to evaluate whether employees are comfortable in business environment or not. Sports product manufacturing main factor for operation is their employees and the changing demand of their customers. New balance always tries to influence their employees for performing better by adopting different strategies and methods like changing reward system, organizing different events inside and outside the premises. New Balance provides medical as well as their facilities to their employees and the dependents, so that the trust and loyalty of employees are continued for long time. Initial training helps New Balance employees in different ways like they help them to know their roles and responsibility before starting of their work , help in making aware employees to the working culture of the organization and others. When new employees join they have to undergo initial training which is conducted by the senior or experience employees of New Balance. New Balance in a regular time gap provide training related to technology, change in business culture or change in policies , rules and regulation to their experience employees which help organization in increasing their productivity and profitability. Challenges faced by New Balance while managing their supply chain system As discussed in case study the challenges faced by new balance in their supply chain management system are globalization of their manufacturing system, safety of their products, quality of their products, delivery of products to their customers, inefficient inventory in warehouse, use of latest technology and others (Lan and Unhelkar, 2006). As mentioned in case study New balance have two suppliers of their sports product in china who never use to supply proper amount of shoes required and the quality of shoes were also sometimes poor which effected the New Balance market frame (Lan and Unhelkar, 2006). The main problem faced by New Balance in their supply chain system was their suppliers of different parts which they require for final product. In case study under foreign suppliers it is mentioned the main problem New Balance used to face was manage different cities suppliers and their delivery (Tang, Teo and Wei, 2008). New balance have connection with two suppliers in china who use d to provide them with sole, upper part of shoes and kit, mostly suppliers from china used to delivery insufficient quantity of product or they used to send poor quality of product which later on effects final shoe production and their delivery (Bolstorff and Rosenbaum, 2007). As per case study New Balance management by consulting their supervisors decided to order some amount of items prior to their production process. Which help them to start their initial development process of shoes (Wilson, 2010). One of the main challenge faced by New balance as per case study is diversification in technology. In comparison of other competitors New Balance always have to keep their technical support strong and updated (Bisen and Srivastava, 2009). Customers always except a good quality product on time. So to increase customer number and level of satisfaction New balance should focus on their product quality and safety while delivering the shoes and other products (Bolstorff and Rosenbaum, 2007 ). One other challenge faced by New Balance is on time delivery by suppliers to company and from New Balance to their customers (Bhadur, 2008). To maintain a proper delivery time New balance decided to keep some shoes in their warehouse so that if customer ordered fewer amounts of shoes it can be immediately delivered. Supply chain management of New Balance products depends on various factors as the manufacturing of product, warehouse of New Balance, logistic facility of organization, customers and their suppliers of raw material and others. Every factor affects the supply chain system of New Balance in different ways. The issue of supplier which affects the supply chain system of New Balance is as the extended lead time, the long pending contract time, long purchase time taken by customer. The problem in manufacturing section which affects the supply chain system is weak communication between manufacturing section and New Balance other department. Suppose the deadline or the delive ry time of sports shoe for USA customer is five weeks but manufacturing department do not delivery their final product to logistic, whole supply chain system will be affected. Supply chain management of New Balance is always dependent all other department of organization. If single department faces any problem while whole production cycles then whole supply chain system will be affected. Implication process of Lean Manufacturing in New Balance New Balance after facing various problems in their manufacturing process decided to adopt a new process of manufacturing i.e. Lean Manufacturing process. Lean Manufacturing process helps New Balance in eliminating the waste which incurred while production cycle of their products (Tang, Teo and Wei, 2008). As mentioned in case study lean manufacturing was implicated by New Balance to focus on their production cycle by taking into consideration only their customers i.e. for developing sports product New Balance always analyze their customers requirement (Tang, Teo and Wei, 2008). Lean manufacturing process help New Balance in various ways like their helped in improving the level of current business model used by New Balance and in improving their work performance (Bisen and Srivastava, 2009). Lean manufacturing was implicated by New balance to improve their never ending production cycle and to reduce the waste of raw materials while designing, manufacturing, distributing process of spo rts product. As discussed in given case study the main focus of new manufacturing process adopted by New Balance was to increase their profit share and efficiency of production in less time (Wilson, 2010). New balance adopted lean manufacturing to avoid over production of their sports product as the products available in warehouse of company will be utilized first (Tang, Teo and Wei, 2008). As per case study New balance after analyzing several problems regarding wastage of raw materials, inventory mismatching with available products and other problem with the help of their supervisors decided to implement Lean manufacturing process so that they can - reduce wastage of their raw materials, maximize their flow of products, able to meet their customers requirement easily, delivery sports on time to their customers situated in different regions and others (Slideshare.net, 2009). Wastes as mentioned in case study are the actions which are not involved in production cycle but are carried in every production cycle which just increases the production cost. Lean manufacturing process of adopted by New Balance after analyzing the whole problem which they faced while production cycle. New Balance while their production found that the waste which incurred while manufacturing and production of sports product effected their production if future. To reduce the wastage quantity while their production cycle Lean manufacturing was adopted. While production, manufacturing, supplying or distribution wastes like overproduction, defective products and others were reduced. Lean manufacturing process helped New Balance to produce more number of sports products by reducing the wastage. Different wastages which prior adopting Lean manufacturing process affected their production cycle are as overproduction, defective products, long transportation time or waiting time, insufficient amount of raw material, and warehouse store capacity insufficiency as per production. Suppose the productio n of one style of shoe is done in more amounts in comparison to its demand in market then the stores inventory will be of no use after sometime and New Balance have to incur loss. New Balance after implementing Lean manufacturing process started planning their business process and production as per the demand of their customers and market. New process for monitoring the lean manufacturing process created a separate department whose responsibility was to analyze the working and effect of lean manufacturing on New Balance supply chain system as well as other cycle. Benefits of Lean manufacturing in New Balance Lean manufacturing was adopted by New Balance to increase their productivity of shoes, it helped in decreasing the lead time required for manufacturing of shoes. As per the case study lean manufacturing help New Balance in improving their product quality which increased number of customers (Bhadur, 2008). The other benefits mentioned in case study are it helps in increasing the efficiency by reducing their workforce, help New Balance in motivating their employees to perform better (Chopra and Meindl, 2007). Lean manufacturing process helped New Balance to increase the productivity by reducing the wastage of raw material while production cycle of shoes. After implementation of Lean manufacturing process New Balance evaluated that the production cycle and delivery process always was on time (Slideshare.net, 2014). As mentioned in given case study New Balance in starting of 2000 adopted New Balance Executional Excellence (NB2E) for their shoe production (Greeff and Ghoshal, 2004). NB2E was adopted by New Balance to reduce the time of delivery and order, which help in gathering more number of customers. New Balance always works as per their customer requirement and need regarding sports products. Lean manufacturing in New Balance was implemented to reduce the time gap between order of their product and the delivery time (Lan and Unhelkar, 2006). Lean manufacturing main benefit in New balance was to reduce their waste material which increases the profit share of company. Lean manufacturing process was adopted by New Balance to improve their efficiency as well as their productivity share (Wilson, 2010). Lean manufacturing helped New balancing to motivate their workforce by giving them reward or hike in wages if production share increases. Lean manufacturing process helped New Balance to reduce the amount of wastages in production and other business cycle. The main factor on which New Balance should work is on the communication process of their with their employees an d customers. Lean manufacturing process implementation as mentioned in case study increased the profit share and productivity of New Balance by reducing their waste amount. Lean manufacturing implementation in New Balance is beneficial in context to their customers, suppliers, manufacturers and others. The other benefits is lean manufacturing help New Balance to work in Just- in- time policy, that is it helped in doing their all work on time whether it is manufacturing, production, delivery of products or others. Products were delivered to their customers on time which increases number of customers. Suppose when products are stored in warehouse for a long time due to less demand or any manufacturing defects, the loss incurred will affect profit rate of New Balance. Lean manufacturing helps New balance in reducing their production cost, reduce their production or other cycle time. As mentioned in case study lean manufacturing implementation in New Balance results in positive manner b y improving efficiency of organization, safety of products in warehouse and while delivery process. It also helps in eliminating the production of unnecessary inventory or stock. Conclusion In this report there is a discussion about New Balance organization operational process, factors which main key role in its operation. Different challenges faced by New Balance in managing their supply chain management system, after evaluating different factors which affect the manufacturing process and the reason behind adopting Lean manufacturing process. There is further light on the benefits of Lean manufacturing in New Balance. Lean manufacturing process is adopted by New Balance after facing various problems in production, manufacturing, delivering and other process (Slideshare.net, 2014). The main factor on which operation of New balance depends is their workforce so to increase efficiency and productivity New Balance always motivated their workforce by different reward systems and other actions. As mentioned in case study the problem which New Balance use to face regarding supply chain system was their coordination with different suppliers and distributors (Scribd.com, 2015). The main point of focus of this report is New Balance different challenges which company faced in supply chain management, manufacturing management and the solution which they adopted. Above discussion is done on the basis of case study of New Balance sports Product Companys different problem regarding supply chain system and the new process adoption effect on business process. New balance after analyzing properly the problem faced by them in production cycle which affected their profit rate adopted a new manufacturing process Lean Manufacturing process which in comparison of other competitors improved their production and market share. References: Anon, (2015). [online] Available at: https://www.diverbi.com/wp-content/uploads/new-balance-case-study.pdf [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. Anon, (2015). [online] Available at: https://file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/manh-new-balance-case-study-en-us.pdf [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. Bhadur, R. (2008).Production and operation management. Jaipur, India: Book Enclave. Bisen, V. and Srivastava, S. (2009).Production operation management. Lucknow, India: Word-Press. Bolstorff, P. and Rosenbaum, R. (2007).Supply chain excellence. New York: AMACOM. Campuzano, F. and Mula, J. (2011).Supply chain simulation. London: Springer. Carreira, B. (2005).Lean manufacturing that works. New York: AMACOM. Chopra, S. and Meindl, P. (2007).Supply chain management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Greeff, G. and Ghoshal, R. (2004).Practical E-manufacturing and supply chain management. Oxford: Newnes. Lan, Y. and Unhelkar, B. (2006).Global integrated supply chain systems. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Pub. Scribd.com, (2015).New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc Presentation. [online] Available at: https://www.scribd.com/doc/137256681/New-Balance-Athletic-Shoe-Inc-Presentation#scribd [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. Slideshare.net, (2009).New Balance shoes. [online] Available at: https://www.slideshare.net/thats4u83/new-balance-shoes [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. Slideshare.net, (2014).New balance Case Study. [online] Available at: https://www.slideshare.net/mchughk/new-balance-case-study-40376956 [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. 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